if ($filetype == 'jpg') {
$srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
} else
if ($filetype == 'jpeg') {
$srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
} else
if ($filetype == 'png') {
$srcImg = imagecreatefrompng("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
} else
if ($filetype == 'gif') {
$srcImg = imagecreatefromgif("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
$origWidth = imagesx($srcImg);
$origHeight = imagesy($srcImg);
$ratio = $origWidth / $thumbWidth;
$thumbHeight = $origHeight / $ratio;
$thumbImg = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
imagecopyresized($thumbImg, $srcImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $origWidth, $origHeight);
if ($filetype == 'jpg') {
imagejpeg($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
} else
if ($filetype == 'jpeg') {
imagejpeg($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
} else
if ($filetype == 'png') {
imagepng($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
} else
if ($filetype == 'gif') {
imagegif($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
This is a very good thumbnail script =)
Here's an example:
$path = The path to the folder where the original picture is.
$name = The filename of the file you want to make a thumbnail of.
$thumbpath = The path to the directory where you want the thumbnail to be saved into.
$maxwidth = the maximum width of the thumbnail in PX eg. 100 (wich will be 100px).
createThumbnail ($ yol, $ isim, $ thumbpath, $ MaxWidth);