Ben Zend Framework ile sağlam php backends inşa etmek ne kadar doğru anlamak mı?

1 Cevap php

Most of you should know that 'famous' article about "Writing Robust PHP Backends with Zend Framework" After an insteresting reading, i decided to give it a try, since i couldn't be able to find the gold solution to handle my datas.

Sonra, ben somut bir örnek var, bir iskeletin türünü yazmaya çalıştım.

Ancak bazı noktalar benim için garip görünüyor. Ama sonra bu konuda daha anlatacağım.

I removed some code to be clearer. Here is the code :

    // Kind of stdClass. the User Domain Object
    // Nothing more to say, it's just about to have a User object
    // I guess we could do here some business logic like the username should
    // be only alpha, etc..

    class User
        $_data = array('userId', 'userName');
        public function __construct($data = null)

        public function populate($data = null)
            if ( is_object ($data) )
                $data = (array) $data;

            if ( ! is_array($data) )
                throw new Exception ('Data must be an array or an object');

            foreach ($data as $property => $value)
                $this->$property = $value;

        public function toArray()
            return $this->_data;

   // The UserTable extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract or Zend_Db_Table
   // Here we do things like fetch, add, update, etc...
   // Validating the data depending on the persistent layers which is the db :
   // respect the data types and formats.

   class UserTable extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
        public function __construct ($options)

        public function validateUser($user)
            if ( null == $user->name || len($user->name) >= 30 || len($user->name) <= 0 )
                throw new Zend_Db_Exception ('Username must be between  0 and 30 chars and must not be null');

            $user->name = $this->quote($user->name);

            return $user;        

        public function createUser(User $user)
            $user = $this->validateUser($user);

            $user = $user->toArray();

                $this->insert('Users', $user);
                $user->id $this->lastInsertId('Users');

            } catch (Zend_Db_Expection $e) {
                echo 'Error while creating user :', $e->getMessage();

            return $user;

        public function updateUser(User $user)
            $user = $this->validateUser($user);

            $user = $user->toArray();

            if (null == $user->id)
                throw new Exception ('User must have an userId to be updated');

                $this->update('Users', $user, 'userId = ' . $user->id);

            } catch (Zend_Db_Expection $e) {
                echo 'Error while updating user :', $e->getMessage();

            return $user;

    // the UserService will be used like an API from the Controller
    // Let says that our adapters must implements an interface for our Service
    // be able to work.
    // It overrides the method provided by the adapter without knowledge of
    // the data is stored. You can then provide another adapter 
    // than DB (like webservice, xml, etc...)
    // But then, if the adapter implements an interface, why should I use 
    // a Service Layer ? Maybe i didn't understand the Service Layer Concept.

    class UserService
        $_adapter = null;

        public function __construct($adapter = null)

        public function setAdapter($adapter = null)
            $this->_adapter = $adaper;

        public function getUserById($id = 0)

        public function save(User $user)
            if (null != $user->id)
            } else {

        // proxy method to the PostService
        // let's say that we have getPostsByUser($userId) method within the 
        // PostService class
        // Btw, Maybe we should find a better way to initialize the adapter,
        // to let it less dependent.

        public function getPosts(User $user)
            $postService = new PostService(new PostTable());
            return $postService->getPostsByUser($user->id);

    // The use in a controller is pretty easy, and the controller, just do 
    // what it should in an MVC architecture.
    // get the data from the model, pass it to the view.

    class UserController
        protected $user = null;

        public function init()
            // get the user object from the session
        public function postsAction()
            $userService = new UserService(new UserTable());

            $this->view->posts = $userService->getPostsByUser($user->id);


Yani son bir soru ben kavramını anlamak mı, nedir? ya da ben bazı hatalar uygulamadan mı?

P.S. : the tags autocompletion didn't work anymore so i wasn't able to provide the right tags.

1 Cevap

Sana Zend_Db_Table bakmak gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Bu UserTable sınıf oluşturmak yedek olacaktır.

Ayrıca kontrolör gelir nasıl Zend_Controller_Action uzanmaz.

Son şeyler muhtemelen modeli doğrulamak için Zend_From veya Zend_Validate kullanmak isterim.

Ben şey uygulama çok kötü değil ama bu yazı bana eski gibi görünüyor.