Diğer yanıtlara dayanarak, ben oldukça güvenli numaraları ve güvensiz mt_rand yerine tekrarlanabilir dizileri hem de üreten bir sınıf tasarlama özgürlük aldı.
Bu sınıf Ben internet ve ben kendi rasgele sayı üreteci haddeleme için bulunan bir öğretici bir yerde bulunan srp_hermetic paketi ile gelen fonksiyonlar dayanmaktadır.
class cryptoLibException extends Exception{};
class noSupportedBigMathLibraryException extends Exception{};
class noSupportedRandomSourceException extends Exception{};
class cryptoLib{
#random seed
private static $RSeed = 0;
public static function isHex( $input = '' ){
for($i=0; $i<strlen( $input ); $i++){
$digit = ord( $input[$i] );
if( $digit < 48 || $digit > 102 ){ return false; }
if( $digit < 96 && $digit > 57 ){ return false; }
return true;
public static function hex2dec($hex = ''){
if( !self::isHex( $hex ) ){
throw new cryptoLibException();
return false;
if( function_exists( 'bcmul' ) && function_exists( 'bcadd' ) ){
$dec = '0';
$pow = '1';
for( $i = strlen( $hex ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--){
$digit = ord( $hex[$i] );
$digit = ( ( $digit>96 )? ( $digit ^ 96 ) + 9: $digit ^ 48 );
$dec = bcadd( $dec, bcmul( $pow, $digit ) );
$pow = bcmul( $pow, '16' );
return $dec;
}else if( function_exists( 'gmp_init' ) && function_exists( 'gmp_strval' ) ){
$hex = gmp_init( $hex, 16 );
return gmp_strval( $hex, 10 );
throw new noSupportedBigMathLibraryException();
return false;
public static function dec2hex($dec = ''){
if( function_exists( 'bcmod' ) && function_exists( 'bcdiv' ) && function_exists( 'bccomp' ) ){
$digits = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f');
$hex = '';
$digit = bcmod( $dec, '16' );
$dec = bcdiv( $dec, '16' );
$hex = $digits[$digit].$hex;
}while( bccomp( $dec, '0' ) );
return $hex;
}else if( function_exists( 'gmp_init' ) && function_exists( 'gmp_strval' ) ){
$hex = gmp_init( $dec, 10 );
return gmp_strval( $dec, 16 );
throw new noSupportedBigMathLibraryException();
return false;
public static function byte2hex($bytes = ''){
$digits = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f');
$hex = '';
$len = strlen( $bytes );
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){
$b = ord( $bytes[$i] ) & 0xFF;
$hex = $hex . $digits[( $b & 0xF0 ) >> 4];
$hex = $hex . $digits[$b & 0x0F];
return $hex;
public static function secure_random($bits = 16){
$bytes = $bits/8;
$result = '';
$digits = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f');
$pr_bits = '';
#Unix/Linux platform
$fp = @fopen( '/dev/urandom', 'rb' );
if( $fp !== false ){
$pr_bits .= @fread( $fp, $bytes );
@fclose( $fp );
#MS-Windows platform before CAPICOM discontinued
if( @class_exists( 'COM' ) ){
$CAPI_Util = new COM( 'CAPICOM.Utilities.1' );
$pr_bits .= $CAPI_Util->GetRandom( $bytes, 0 );
#ask for binary data PHP munges it, so we
#request base64 return value. We squeeze out the
#redundancy and useless ==CRLF by hashing...
if( $pr_bits ){ $pr_bits = md5( $pr_bits, true ); }
}catch(Exception $e){}
#nothing has worked yet so lets make an outside connection
if( strlen( $pr_bits ) < $bytes ){
$pr_bits = file_get_contents( "http://www.random.org/cgi-bin/randbyte?nbytes=$bytes&format=h" ); #connect to random.org for the random stuff
$pr_bits = preg_replace( '/[^0-9A-z]/', '', trim( $pr_bits ) ); #git rid of the spaces, only leaves the 16 bits or 32 characters
$pr_bits = pack( "H*", $pr_bits ); #pack it down into the 16 byte string
}catch(Exception $e){}
#failed to get any random source to work
if( strlen( $pr_bits ) < $bytes ){
throw new noSupportedRandomSourceException();
return false;
$len = strlen($pr_bits);
$b = 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){
$b = ord( $pr_bits[$i] );
$result = $result . $digits[ ($b & 0xF0) >> 4 ];
$result = $result . $digits[$b & 0x0F];
return $result;
#set random seed
public static function seed($s = 0){
self::$RSeed = abs(intval($s)) % 9999999 + 1;
#replaces php native random functions
#efficent, uses secure seeding and repeatable sequencing if the same seed is provided
public static function s_rand($min = 0, $max = 9999999){
if (self::$RSeed == 0) self::seed(self::hex2dec(self::secure_random()));
self::$RSeed = (self::$RSeed * 125) % 2796203;
return self::$RSeed % ($max - $min + 1) + $min;