EDIT: Ek sorular:
- I
sonunda '. php' eklemek zorunda- Can I access any Zend package inside my controller / model, for example:
/ * Kontrol / / Yöntemleri / / içinde bir * /
method $client = new Zend_Http_Client('http://example.org', array( 'maxredirects' => 0, 'timeout' => 30));
, Selam
as I already asked How to add 3rd party lib to the ZendFramework, I also wanted to ask, whether my library is available in each of my controllers
, models
, views
Does registering a namespace ve autoloading its classes mean, that if I register 'MyClassXY_'
enables using *'MyClassXY_someMethod'*?
The other part of my question is about using any Zend internal class/component/method within my controller.
As I know from CakePHP I can do App::import('appIwantToLoad')
or use a component
to have any CakePHP class/component available at my controller/model.
ZendFramework seems a little bit different:
I heard about 'factory' method(s) which instantiates for example a Cache
using an array of parameters put into the factory method.
Hala benim sorunum hakkında ne olduğunu anlamak yoksa, ben size basit bir örnek vermeye çalışalım:
I sit in front of my controller ve I want to access the ACL or Cache module of ZendFramework. I did not set any specific namespace to load (just 'Default_' to load) ve I did not set any specific resource to load (except the FrontController ve all other basic MVC ressources).
Now can I just use ($Namespace_Module_AdditionalStuff
$ZendModuleXY = $Zend_Module_AdditionalStuff::constructionMethod
to globaly access this or that class or method?
Çok teşekkür ederim.