Hey! (Yere php.net adresinde bulunabilir) bu kodu deneyin:
function format_urldetect( $text )
$tag = " rel=\"nofollow\"";
// First, look for strings beginning with http:// that AREN't preceded by an <a href tag
$text = preg_replace( "/(?<!<a href=(\"|'))((http|ftp|http)+(s)?:\/\/[^<>\s]+[\w])/i", "<a target=\"_new\" class=\"httplink\" href=\"\\0\"" . $tag . ">\\0</a>", $text );
// Second, look for strings with casual urls (www.something.com...) and make sure they don't have a href tag OR a http:// in front,
// since that would have been caught in the previous step.
$text = preg_replace( "/(?<!<a href=(\"|')http:\/\/)(?<!http:\/\/)((www)\.[^<>\s]+[\w])/i", "<a target=\"_new\" class=\"httplink\" href=\"http://\\0\"" . $tag . ">\\0</a>", $te
xt );
$text = preg_replace( "/(?<!<a href=(\"|')https:\/\/)(?<!http:\/\/)((www)\.[^<>\s]+[\w])/i", "<a target=\"_new\" class=\"httplink\" href=\"http://\\0\"" . $tag . ">\\0</a>", $t
ext );
return $text;
Uhm, girinti kırık. Bu deneyin http://triop.se/code.txt