The question: Is there a way to view the XML that would be created with a PHP SoapClient function call BEFORE you actually send the request?
Ben WSDL iletişimi yeni duyuyorum ve bana, PHP, ASP.NET ile yazılmış bir WSDL hizmeti ile iletişim kurmak için bir yol geliştirmek isteyen bir müşterim var. Ben oldukça uzakta aldık, ama karmaşık bir türü geçerken geldiğinde bir sorun haline çalıştırıyorum. Ben şimdiye kadar, farklı bir kaç şey denedim.
1) gibi tek bir dizi ayarlama $params->Person->name
2) tek bir dizi ayarlama $Person = array('name'=>"joe",'address' = "123");
then passing into the call as a param "Person" => $Person; and a few others. But every time I get the error
SoapException: Server was unable to process request ---> System.Exception: Person is Required. at service name.
In order to further the troubleshooting, I would like to see the XML document that is being sent to see if it is creating a complex type in the way I am expecting it to.
I am creating the service using $client = new SoapClient('wsdldoc.asmx?WSDL');
calling it with $client->CreateUser($params);
and then trying to see it using the function $client->__getLastRequest();
but it never makes it to the __getLastRequest because it hits a fatal error when calling CreateUser($params).
The question again: Is there any way to view the XML created by the CreateUser($params) call WITHOUT actually sending it and causing a fatal error