I have set up 'Nutch search engine' to crawl websites. Now,I need to write an php API to talk to the Nutch search engine. I need to do 2 things:
using a PHP script I need to specify to Nutch as to which URLs to crawl (for this I have some pointers from http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/faculty/pollett/masters/Semesters/Fall07/sheetal/?Deliverable2.html
using a PHP script I need to retrieve the crawl result from the Nutch crawl DB. I cant seem to find any help on this (or I might be too dumb to see the answer if it's already there :()
Herkes Nutch tarama sonuçlarını okumak için bir PHP API kullanmışsa, bana bazı işaretçiler paylaşın lütfen.
Umutsuzca bazı yardım bekliyor.