I hope this makes enough sense and someone can give me some feedback on this My problem is how to get back to the same form on errors found, but with the error values in place.
As you would normally postback to the same script and set the variables as you go. Now I am in the situation, that when I do the validation and try to show the same form but with the errors, I get a page/view within a page/view.
Bu nereden geldiğini ben tür olsun, ama aynı içeriğe sahip farklı bir görünüm yaratmak yanı sıra, henüz bir çözüm bulunamadı, ancak farklı bir dosya değil. İkincisi gereksiz görünüyor.
All controllers extend the basecontroller that creates the main view. All other views/files deliver their content to the mainview $content variable.
teşekkürler, Richard