I have written an autogenerating sitemap code below, it is called every 12 hours. It looks through the mysql database, and then generates the input into the xml file for every row it finds in the mysql table.
Ben iyi PHP coder değilim, bu yüzden siz beni aşağıda bu iyileştirmeye yardımcı olabilir umuyoruz.
Bu çalışır ve işini yapar, ama 400thousand üzerinde reklamların oldukça yavaş yapabilirsiniz.
function xml_sitemap() {
$ads_query_results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars_db ORDER BY insert_date DESC") or die(mysql_error());
$nr_of_sitemaps = count(glob('../../Sitemap/*'));
for ($i=1; $i<$nr_of_sitemaps; $i++){
if ($nr_of_sitemaps!='.' || $nr_of_sitemaps!='..'){
for ($i=1; $i<=$nr_of_sitemaps; $i++){
$number_of_ads = mysql_num_rows($ads_query_results);
$files_needed = ($number_of_ads/49500);
$files_needed = ceil($files_needed);
for ($i=1; $i<=$files_needed; $i++){
$xml_file = fopen ('../../Sitemap/Sitemap'.$i.'.xml','w');
fwrite ($xml_file,"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
fwrite ($xml_file,"<urlset xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'>\n");
for ($z=0; $z<($number_of_ads/$files_needed); $z++){
mysql_data_seek($ads_query_results, $z);
$current_ad_id= $website_url.$row_results['ad_category'].'/';
$current_ad_id = $current_ad_id.$row_results['ad_id'].'.htm';
$last_modified = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($row_results['insert_date']));
$change_frequency = 'weekly';
fwrite ($xml_file, "<url>\n");
fwrite ($xml_file, "<loc>");
fwrite ($xml_file, $current_ad_id);
fwrite ($xml_file, "</loc>\n");
fwrite ($xml_file, "<lastmod>");
fwrite ($xml_file, $last_modified);
fwrite ($xml_file, "</lastmod>\n");
fwrite ($xml_file, "<changefreq>");
fwrite ($xml_file, $change_frequency);
fwrite ($xml_file, "</changefreq>\n");
fwrite ($xml_file, "<priority>");
fwrite ($xml_file, 0.8);
fwrite ($xml_file, "</priority>\n");
fwrite ($xml_file, "</url>\n");
} //end for
fwrite ($xml_file, "</urlset>");
fclose ($xml_file);
}//end main for