I am using Zend Framework and 3rd party application written in php for file upload. Upload process is ajax like, and I have annoying problem probably caused by this app.
Sorun yükleme uygulaması nedense benim Zend_Session yok olmasıdır!
İşte (kundakçı konsolu ile) alıyorum hatadır:
Ve bu çalışıyor benim ZF denetleyicisi kod, ama hata abbove görüntülenen sonra ben bu kontrolör giderseniz, ben google.com yönlendirileceksiniz
public function init()
$this->_projects = new Projects();
$this->_memberSes = new Zend_Session_Namespace('MyMember');
public function preDispatch()
$member = $this->_memberSes->member;
if ($member==null){
Problematic code in 3rd party app looks like this: http://pastie.org/738837
I know that my question isn't perfectly clear, but I am out of ideas and any kind of help means to me a lot! Thanks.