Ben Ubuntu Software Center ile benim Eclipse yüklü. Afterwhich, ben bu wiki de talimat ( takip ve ben aşağıdaki hatalar ile bir araya geldi:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: PHP Development Tools (PDT) Runtime Feature 2.2.0.v200912030932-7L7J-F8NcJKhTcJmKhmc ( 2.2.0.v200912030932-7L7J-F8NcJKhTcJmKhmc) Missing requirement: PHP Development Tools (PDT) Runtime Feature 2.2.0.v200912030932-7L7J-F8NcJKhTcJmKhmc ( 2.2.0.v200912030932-7L7J-F8NcJKhTcJmKhmc) requires ' [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Googling denedim ama '' nasıl yükleneceği hakkında herhangi bir talimat bulamıyorum.
Herhangi bir yardım çok takdir.
Cheers, Mickey