I am having an add/edit form to update and add to database, and I was not sure what the best way is to input TIME type (HH:MM:SS). Should I use multiple html text inputs for HH, MM, SS? if so, is there a function that prepares the string for database input?
Temelde ne girmek için çalışıyorum, belirli bir görevi tamamlamak için aldı kaç saat, dakika, saniye.
Herkes burada bana doğru yönde işaret edebilir?
Ben CodeIgniter (PHP) kullanarak bir web sitesi tasarlıyorum.
Let me go ahead and clarify what needs to happen a bit more... The user is required to enter data specific to sports more in particular to a players minutes and seconds played. I'm thinking of maybe simplifying it to only minutes. Perhaps this way input is only 1 thing. Then again my question is, what method would work to convert this "minute number" to the correct MYSQL TIME format?