I just installed Delphi for PHP to get an idea on how it works and have created a simple app with a button that puts a text into a listbox when it is clicked. The app works if I copy all required files to my webserver and run it from there. It also works if I save the project in the standard path: "c:\documents and settings\username\My Documents\Delphi for PHP Projects"
Ben başka bir dizine projeyi kaydetmek Eğer uygulama oradan çalışır Ancak, ButtonClick olayı harekete değil. Ben orada durur görmek için olay bir kesme noktası koymak ettik ama öyle değil.
Formun OnShow olayı her zaman olduğu gibi çalışır.
It really seems to be the path where the project is located to make it either work or not. As I said, I have no experience with Delphi for PHP so far, it is probably just a simple solution that I don't see...