NuSOAP ile jasperIntelligence hizmetlerini tüketen (PHP)

1 Cevap php

i've been struggling the whole week end to connect to jasperIntelligence service in vain with a php client.Of course there is a sample php client in the jasperserver installation and that seems to be very very old. I've decided to write my own using the latest nusoap 0.7.3.It seems like i'm not getting well the structure of the webservice.
In the webservice guide pdf the request should look like this

<request operationName="runReport" locale="en">
  <argument name="RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT">JRPRINT</argument>
  <resourceDescriptor name="" wsType="" uriString="/reports/samples/EmployeeAccounts" isNew="false">
  <parameter name="EmployeeID">emil_id</parameter>
  <parameter name="TEST_LIST" isListItem="true">A &amp; L Powers Engineering, Inc</parameter>
  <parameter name="TEST_LIST" isListItem="true">A &amp; U Jaramillo Telecom, Inc</parameter>
  <parameter name="TEST_LIST" isListItem="true">A &amp; U Stalker Telecom, Inc</parameter>

Honestly i'm not getting the argument tag part therefore don't know how to pass it through nusoap.
Also don't know how to pass the uriString which defines the address of the report to run actually.uri keyword is used as namespace in most of things i've seen so far. Those cannot be taken as parameters.I'm really confused.

Ben argüman etiketi ve nitelikleri ile yapılan bir xml kullanmak ve başlıkları olarak göndermek için cazip ama aynı zamanda ben bunun yanlış olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Ben, nusaop bağlanmak getOperationData diyoruz ama request.What önerirsiniz yapabilir miyim? Herkes deneyim paylaşabilir miyim? Bu okuma için teşekkür ederiz.

1 Cevap

it.has jasper webservices tüketmek Armut SOAP olmak çözmek