I show you firsly my class : as you can see I repeated several times $versionId param because all the method needs it. I am asking myself if there is a way to factorize it so there is lesser repetition.
class Admin_Model_Version
private $_db;
private $_versionId;
private $_path;
public function __construct()
* Récupère l'objet de la table version.
* @return Zend_Db_Table
public function getDb()
$this->_db = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Version();
return $this->_db;
* Retourne toutes les versions d'un projet.
* @param integer $versionId
public function getVersions($projectId)
$db = $this->getDb();
$select = $db->select();
return $select
->where("project_idproject = ?", $projectId)
public function getVersionPath($versionId)
$root = realpath(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . "/../");
$patrimonyName = $this->getPatrimonyRecordByVersionId($versionId)->name_patrimony;
$projectName = $this->getProjectRecordByVersionId($versionId)->name_project;
$versionName = $this->getVersionRecordByVersionId($versionId)->lab_version;
return $root . "/data/projects/" . $patrimonyName . "/" . $projectName . "/" . $versionName . "/";
* Vérifie si la version possède un repertoire de travail.
* Tous les répertoires de travail sont dans le répertoire /data/projects/
public function hasVersionDirectory($versionId)
$versionPath = $this->getVersionPath($versionId);
// Si le chemin n'existe pas retourner une exception.
throw new Exception("<b>Admin_Model_Version</b> " . __LINE__ . " : Le répertoire n'existe pas!");
return false;
return true;
public function getPatrimonyRecordByVersionId($versionId)
$db = $this->getDb();
// setIntegrityCheck(false) is required for join
$row = $db->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false);
return $row->from(array('ve' => 'version'), array())
->join(array('pr' => 'project'), 've.project_idproject = pr.idproject', array())
->join(array('pa' => 'patrimony'), 'pa.idpatrimony = pr.patrimony_idpatrimony')
->where('ve.idversion = ?', $versionId)
public function getProjectRecordByVersionId($versionId)
$db = $this->getDb();
// setIntegrityCheck(false) is required for join
$row = $db->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false);
return $row->from(array('ve' => 'version'), array())
->join(array('pr' => 'project'), 've.project_idproject = pr.idproject')
->where('ve.idversion = ?', $versionId)
public function getVersionRecordByVersionId($versionId)
$db = $this->getDb();
// setIntegrityCheck(false) is required for join
$row = $db->select();
$row->where('idversion = ?', $versionId);
return $row->query()->fetchObject();
* Crée le répertoire de travail avec comme chemin le nom du patrimoine
* suivi du nom de projet et du nom de version.
public function createHome($versionId)
$path = $this->getVersionPath($versionId);
if(!mkdir($path, 0755, true))
throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . "can't create directory");
public function hasDirectorySRC($versionId)
$path =
public function hasDirectoryHTML($versionId)
public function hasDirectoryXML($versionId)
public function hasDirectorySVG($versionId)