Ben saklı procs kullanıyorum ve (ben de bir Java uygulaması aynı prosedürleri kullanmak) PHP bunları diyoruz ediyorum.
Şu anda ben bunu (çalışıyor) Bu şekilde yapın:
if(!($result = pg_query($connection, 'BEGIN; SELECT '.$query.'; FETCH ALL IN '.self::$cursor.';'))) return NULL;
where $query
is something like "CALL create_account('foo', 'bar', 'etc')
and $cursor
is just "ref_cursor" since that is the cursor name (and yes, I know it
seems like a hack...).
I know about the benefits of procedures (and prepared statements), and I wonder if there's any point in executing the above. A procedure is pre-compiled as far as I know, but the query above is not. So am I just fooling my self in believing that I would get some performance gain in this? I'm kind of bound to my procedures because I have an auto generator in Java that writes them for me. Is it better to use PDO in this case? I've searched on the net for something on pgsql ref cursors + pdo, but I didn't find much. I know I could just use PDO prepared statements but that would not coop with my procedures.