Önceden seçilen dili korumak için nasıl (php dizileri kullanılan ve? Lang =) bir bağlantıyı tıkladıktan sonra?

4 Cevap php

Ben aşağıdaki kodu vardır:

            <title><?php echo $GLOBALS['L']['title']; ?></title>
            <ul id="language-selection">
                <li><a href="index.php?lang=english">English</a></li>
                <li><a href="index.php?lang=french">French</a></li>
            <h1><?php echo $GLOBALS['L']['h1']; ?></h1>
            <p><?php echo $GLOBALS['L']['p1']; ?></p>
            <ul id="language-selection">
                <li><a href="about.php">About Page</a></li>
                <li><a href="contact.php">Contact Page</a></li>


 * File: set_locale.php

// Get the language from the query string, or set a default.
($language = @$_GET['lang']) or $language = 'english';

// Set up a list of possible values, and make sure the
// selected language is valid.
$allowed_locales = array('english', 'french');
if(!in_array($language, $allowed_locales)) 
    $language = 'english'; // Set default if it is invalid.

// Inlclude the selected language
include "locale/$language.php";

// Make it global, so it is accessible everywhere in the code.
$GLOBALS['L'] = $locale;

It works OK, but if I click the about.php and contact.php link. The page returns to the default language: English. What can I do so that when I click about.php or contact.php ends up like this:


respectively, in other words I want the URL to remember the ?lang= ending. What's the best way of doing it?

4 Cevap

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