DQL ile iç içe koşullar

1 Cevap php

Now that I've read all the DQL docs I still have some doubts, I'm trying to do some nested condictions in my DQL however playing around with DQL I can't seem to be able to archive them

Kendimi daha net yapmak için:

Ben bu DQL sorgu var

    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
        ->addSelect('COUNT(m.marca_id) as total_marcas')
        ->from('Corporativos c')
        ->leftJoin('c.Marcas m')
        ->orwhere('c.nombre LIKE :nombre', array(':nombre'=>'%'.$srch))
        ->orWhere('c.nombre LIKE :nombre', array(':nombre'=>'%'.$srch.'%'))
        ->orWhere('c.nombre LIKE :nombre', array(':nombre'=>$srch.'%'))
        ->orderBy('c.nombre ASC')

Şimdi bu aşağıdaki MySQL sorgusu oluşturur:

SELECT c.corporativo_id AS c__corporativo_id, c.nombre AS c__nombre,
c.webpage AS c__webpage, COUNT(m.marca_id) AS m__0 FROM corporativos c
LEFT JOIN marcas m ON c.corporativo_id = m.corporativo_id WHERE
(ISNULL(c.deleted_at) OR c.nombre LIKE :nombre OR c.nombre
LIKE :nombre OR c.nombre LIKE :nombre) GROUP BY c.corporativo_id ORDER
BY c.nombre ASC

However I'm getting a set of results where either deleted_at is null or the other conditions is completed, I'd like to make the isnull(deleted_at) obligatory, if we were talking in terms of SQL the query would look like this:

SELECT c.corporativo_id AS c__corporativo_id, c.nombre AS c__nombre,
c.webpage AS c__webpage, COUNT(m.marca_id) AS m__0 FROM corporativos c
LEFT JOIN marcas m ON c.corporativo_id = m.corporativo_id WHERE
(ISNULL(c.deleted_at) AND (c.nombre LIKE :nombre OR c.nombre
LIKE :nombre OR c.nombre LIKE :nombre)) GROUP BY c.corporativo_id
ORDER BY c.nombre ASC

you can see that I just changed the first OR statement for an AND and added a couple of parenthesis to group the LIKE conditions.

Is it posible to archivie this in DQL using the same ->where() notation avoiding writing down the whole condition ?

teşekkürler :)

1 Cevap

Sen Doctrine_Query::andWhere kullanabilirsiniz, ama bu deyimi yanlış şekilde faktör olacağını düşünüyorum, böylece sorgu gibi inşa olabilir

->where('c.nombre LIKE :nombre', array(':nombre'=>'%'.$srch))
->orWhere('c.nombre LIKE :nombre', array(':nombre'=>'%'.$srch.'%'))
->orWhere('c.nombre LIKE :nombre', array(':nombre'=>$srch.'%'))

hangi tür ürpertici.

İşte özel parentezleme yeteneğine sahip olması değiştirir Doktrini ile başka çözüm: http://danielfamily.com/techblog/?p=37