I have an application in which I change the data on web and then download the files then I compile my iPhone app with data. I just want to create ad-hoc distribution so I have already added devices. So is there a way that anytime I change data on web then I compile my iPhone app over the server using PHP and some command-line script so that I create a ready-made ipa and user can install the application using iTunes? Also is it possible to compile on Windows? Also how do we change ad hoc provision profile? I mean where we can set code sign?
Nasıl terminali çağırmak ve PHP kullanarak komut xcodebuild çalıştırabilirim? Biz terminali çağırmak ve sonra dizin proje ve xcodebuild komutu çalıştırmak için gidin o zaman nasıl mac sunucusu var herhalde?