I had to implement recursive comments too.
I broke my head with nested model, let me explain why :
Let's say you want comments for an article.
Let's call root comments the comments directly attached to this article.
Let's calls reply comments the comments that are an answer to another comment.
I noticed ( unfortunately ) that I wanted the root comments to be ordered by date desc,
BUT I wanted the reply comments to be ordered date asc !!
Paradoxal !!
Yani iç içe geçmiş modeli bana sorgu sayısını hafifletmeye yardımcı olmadı.
İşte benim çözüm:
Aşağıdaki alanlar a comment tablo oluşturun:
parent_id (nullable)
The 3 key fields of this implementation are parent_id, sequence and depth.
parent_id and depth helps to insert new nodes.
Dizisi gerçek anahtar alandır, bu tür modeli emülasyonunu iç içe oluyor.
Each time you insert a new root comment, it is multiple of x.
I choose x=1000, which basically means that I can have 1000 maximum nested comments (That' s the only drawback I found
for this system, but this limit can easily be modified, it's enough for my needs now).
En son kök comment büyük sıra numarası ile biri olmak zorundadır.
Now reply comments :
we have two cases :
reply for a root comment, or reply for a reply comment.
In both cases the algoritm is the same :
take the parent's sequence, and retrieve one to get your sequence number.
Then you have to update the sequences numbers which are below the parent's sequence and above the base sequence,
which is the sequence of the root comment just below the root comment concerned.
I don't expect you to understand all this since I'm not a very good explainer,
but I hope it may give you new ideas.
( At least it worked for me better than nested model would= less requests which is the real goal ).