Joomla dosya Kısıtlı Erişim

1 Cevap php
 i am using a Form where i am having a textbox which on submit i am retriving the value of the text box and sending it to a file which gets the value and using it to fetch the records..

benim javascript i gibi verdi

   <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    function check()


    var title=document.getElementById("title").value;



Ve testtest.php dosyasında

i var

            defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

     <?php echo $_GET['title'];?>
$db         =& JFactory::getDBO();

    $query =  'SELECT * from #__chronoforms_UploadAuthor where text_6 like "%'.$keyword.'%"';
    $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     //echo $rows;

ama bu sayfada onun .. Neden bu kadar Kısıtlı erişimli olarak beni gösteren? Ve bu nasıl üstesinden gelmek için .. Lütfen bana yardım edin ...

1 Cevap

Resmi doc:

"_JEXEC" is a constant that is typically defined in the 'index.php' file at the root of the Joomla! instance and is used to mark a secure entry point into Joomla!. The defined or die check makes sure that _JEXEC has been defined in the pathway to get to the file. This is used to ensure that a file that could expose path information because functions, variables or classes aren't defined in that file trip PHP's error reporting and expose a path.

Ne zaman kullanılmalıdır?

The check should be added to files that when accessed directly cause a path exposure.

Ve that's exactly what you're doing: Doğrudan testtest.php erişen.

Bunu da doğrudan çağrı önlemek veya kontrol kaldırmanız gerekir.

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