E-Ticaret Alışveriş sepetine içine Mailchimp Entegrasyonu

1 Cevap php

Ben zor bir soru soracağım, ve ben javascript bir n00b olduğumu aslında için şimdiden özür dileriz!

Temelde ben WP e-Ticaret eklentisi haline MailChimp listesine kaydolmayı entegre arıyorum. Eğer doğru anlamak ben iki ayrı yerlere veri göndermek nerede, bu Javascript ile başarılı olabilir.

Ben burada bu sürecin bazı oldukça iyi bilgi bulundu: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/scripting/multiact.aspx ve burada http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1790882/

Öncelikle oldukça basit MailChimp End, gelen Gereksinimleri kapalı:

<form action="http://mylist.us1.mailchimp.xxx/xxx/" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank">
 <legend>join our mailing list</legend>
<div class="indicate-required">* indicates required</div>
<div class="mc-field-group">
<label for="mce-EMAIL">Email Address <strong class="note-required">*</strong>
<input value="" name="EMAIL" class="required email" id="mce-EMAIL" type="text">
  <div id="mce-responses">

   <div class="response" id="mce-error-response" style="display: none;"></div>
   <div class="response" id="mce-success-response" style="display: none;"></div>
  <div><input value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="btn" type="submit"></div>
 <a href="#" id="mc_embed_close" class="mc_embed_close">Close</a>

Şimdi sert kısmı için ... WP E-Ticaret kaynak kodu. Bu büyük bir eklenti (ben 73 dosyaları düşünüyorum) ancak ilgili kodu tüm "shopping_cart_page.php" bulunur ... burada bunun için kaynak:

Herkes aşağıda WP e-ticaret koduna yukarıda MailChimp kodu entegre olsaydı son kodu nasıl olacağını tam olarak biliyor mu? Ben WP e-ticaret mağazası müşterilerine gözle-MailChimp posta listesine girdiklerinde "Hemen Al" kendi veri yerel (WordPress) veritabanı olarak hem teslim böylece seçeneği veren bir onay kutusu var arıyorum dış (MailChimp) veritabanı olarak.

global $wpsc_cart, $wpdb, $wpsc_checkout, $wpsc_gateway, $wpsc_coupons;
$wpsc_checkout = new wpsc_checkout();
$wpsc_gateway = new wpsc_gateways();
$wpsc_coupons = new wpsc_coupons($_SESSION['coupon_numbers']);
 //echo "<pre>".print_r($wpsc_cart,true)."</pre>";
// echo "<pre>".print_r($wpsc_cart,true)."</pre>";
if(wpsc_cart_item_count() > 0) :
<p><?php echo TXT_WPSC_REVIEW_YOUR_ORDER; ?></p>
<table class="productcart">
 <tr class="firstrow">
  <td class='firstcol'></td>
  <td><?php echo TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT; ?>:</td>
  <td><?php echo TXT_WPSC_QUANTITY; ?>:</td>
  <td><?php echo TXT_WPSC_PRICE; ?>:</td>
 <?php while (wpsc_have_cart_items()) : wpsc_the_cart_item(); ?>

 <?php  //this displays the confirm your order html ?>

  <tr class="product_row">
   <td class="firstcol"><img src='<?php echo wpsc_cart_item_image(48,48); ?>' alt='<?php echo wpsc_cart_item_name(); ?>' title='<?php echo wpsc_cart_item_name(); ?>' /></td>
   <td class="firstcol">
   <a href='<?php echo wpsc_cart_item_url();?>'><?php
    echo wpsc_cart_item_name();
    if(wpsc_cart_item_custom_message()) {
    ?> (<?php echo wpsc_cart_item_custom_message() ?>)<?php
    <form action="<?php echo get_option('shopping_cart_url'); ?>" method="post" class="adjustform">
     <input type="text" name="quantity" size="2" value="<?php echo wpsc_cart_item_quantity(); ?>" />
     <input type="hidden" name="key" value="<?php echo wpsc_the_cart_item_key(); ?>" />
     <input type="hidden" name="wpsc_update_quantity" value="true" />
     <input type="submit" value="<?php echo TXT_WPSC_APPLY; ?>" name="submit" />
   <td><span class="pricedisplay"><?php echo wpsc_cart_item_price(); ?></span></td>
    <form action="<?php echo get_option('shopping_cart_url'); ?>" method="post" class="adjustform">
     <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="0" />
     <input type="hidden" name="key" value="<?php echo wpsc_the_cart_item_key(); ?>" />
     <input type="hidden" name="wpsc_update_quantity" value="true" />
     <button class='remove_button' type="submit"><span><?php echo TXT_WPSC_REMOVE; ?></span></button>
 <?php endwhile; ?>
 <?php //this HTML displays coupons if there are any active coupons to use ?>
 <?php if(wpsc_uses_coupons()): ?>

  <?php if(wpsc_coupons_error()): ?>
   <tr><td><?php echo TXT_WPSC_COUPONSINVALID; ?></td></tr>
  <?php endif; ?>
   <td colspan="2"><?php _e('Enter your coupon number'); ?> :</td>
   <td  colspan="3" align='left'>
    <form  method='post' action="<?php echo get_option('shopping_cart_url'); ?>">
     <input type='text' name='coupon_num' id='coupon_num' value='<?php echo $wpsc_cart->coupons_name; ?>' />
     <input type='submit' value='<?php echo TXT_WPSC_APPLY ?>' />
 <?php endif; ?> 
 <?php  //this HTML dispalys the calculate your order HTML ?>

 <?php if(isset($_SESSION['nocamsg']) && isset($_GET['noca']) && $_GET['noca'] == 'confirm'): ?>
  <p class='validation-error'><?php echo $_SESSION['nocamsg']; ?></p>
 <?php endif; ?>
 <?php if($_SESSION['categoryAndShippingCountryConflict'] != '') : ?>
  <p class='validation-error'><?php echo $_SESSION['categoryAndShippingCountryConflict']; ?></p>

 if($_SESSION['WpscGatewayErrorMessage'] != '') :
  <p class='validation-error'><?php echo $_SESSION['WpscGatewayErrorMessage']; ?></p>
 <?php do_action('wpsc_before_shipping_of_shopping_cart'); ?>
 <div id='wpsc_shopping_cart_container'>
 <?php if(wpsc_uses_shipping()) : ?>
  <h2><?php echo TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_COUNTRY; ?></h2>
  <table class="productcart">
    <td colspan='5'>
     <?php echo TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_DETAIL; ?>

   <?php if (!wpsc_have_shipping_quote()) : // No valid shipping quotes ?>
    <?php if (($_SESSION['wpsc_zipcode'] == '') || ($_SESSION['wpsc_zipcode'] == 'Your Zipcode')) : // No valid shipping quotes ?>
     <?php if ($_SESSION['wpsc_update_location'] == true) :?>
       <td colspan='5' class='shipping_error' >
        <?php echo TXT_WPSC_NO_ZIPCODE; ?>
     <?php endif; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
      <td colspan='5' class='shipping_error' >
       <?php echo TXT_WPSC_NO_SHIPPING_QUOTES; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
   <?php endif; ?>
    <td colspan='5'>
     <form name='change_country' id='change_country' action='' method='post'>
      <?php echo wpsc_shipping_country_list();?>
      <input type='hidden' name='wpsc_update_location' value='true' />
      <input type='submit' name='wpsc_submit_zipcode' value='Calculate' />

   <?php if (wpsc_have_morethanone_shipping_quote()) :?>
    <?php while (wpsc_have_shipping_methods()) : wpsc_the_shipping_method(); ?>
      <?php  if (!wpsc_have_shipping_quotes()) { continue; } // Don't display shipping method if it doesn't have at least one quote ?>
      <tr><td class='shipping_header' colspan='5'><?php echo wpsc_shipping_method_name().TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_A_SHIPPING_RATE; ?> </td></tr>
      <?php while (wpsc_have_shipping_quotes()) : wpsc_the_shipping_quote(); ?>
        <td colspan='3'>
         <label for='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'><?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_name(); ?></label>
        <td style='text-align:center;'>
         <label for='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'><?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_value(); ?></label>
        <td style='text-align:center;'>
         <?php if(wpsc_have_morethanone_shipping_methods_and_quotes()): ?>
          <input type='radio' id='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>' <?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_selected_state(); ?>  onclick='switchmethod("<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_name(); ?>", "<?php echo wpsc_shipping_method_internal_name(); ?>")' value='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_value(true); ?>' name='shipping_method' />
         <?php else: ?>
          <input <?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_selected_state(); ?> disabled='disabled' type='radio' id='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'  value='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_value(true); ?>' name='shipping_method' />
           <?php wpsc_update_shipping_single_method(); ?>
         <?php endif; ?>
      <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
   <?php endif; ?>

   <?php wpsc_update_shipping_multiple_methods(); ?>

   <?php if (!wpsc_have_shipping_quote()) : // No valid shipping quotes ?>
    <?php return; ?>
   <?php endif; ?>
 <?php endif;  ?>

 <table class="productcart">
 <tr class="total_price total_tax">
  <td colspan="3">
   <?php echo TXT_WPSC_TAX; ?>
  <td colspan="2">
   <span id="checkout_tax" class="pricedisplay checkout-tax"><?php echo wpsc_cart_tax(); ?></span>
   <?php if(wpsc_uses_shipping()) : ?>
 <tr class="total_price total_shipping">
  <td colspan="3">
   <?php echo TXT_WPSC_TOTALSHIPPING; ?>
  <td colspan="2">
   <span id="checkout_shipping" class="pricedisplay checkout-shipping"><?php echo wpsc_cart_shipping(); ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>

   <?php if(wpsc_uses_coupons() && (wpsc_coupon_amount(false) > 0)): ?>
 <tr class="total_price">
  <td colspan="3">
   <?php echo TXT_WPSC_COUPONS; ?>
  <td colspan="2">
   <span id="coupons_amount" class="pricedisplay"><?php echo wpsc_coupon_amount(); ?></span>
   <?php endif ?>

 <tr class='total_price'>
  <td colspan='3'>
  <?php echo TXT_WPSC_TOTALPRICE; ?>
  <td colspan='2'>
   <span id='checkout_total' class="pricedisplay checkout-total"><?php echo wpsc_cart_total(); ?></span>


  <?php do_action('wpsc_before_form_of_shopping_cart'); ?>

 <form class='wpsc_checkout_forms' action='' method='post' enctype="multipart/form-data">

     * Both the registration forms and the checkout details forms must be in the same form element as they are submitted together, you cannot have two form elements submit together without the use of JavaScript.

  <?php if(!is_user_logged_in() && get_option('users_can_register') && get_option('require_register')) : ?>
  <h2><?php _e('Not yet a member?');?></h2>
  <p><?php _e('In order to buy from us, you\'ll need an account. Joining is free and easy. All you need is a username, password and valid email address.');?></p>
  <?php if(count($_SESSION['wpsc_checkout_user_error_messages']) > 0) : ?>
   <div class="login_error"> 
    foreach($_SESSION['wpsc_checkout_user_error_messages'] as $user_error ) {
      echo $user_error."<br />\n";
    $_SESSION['wpsc_checkout_user_error_messages'] = array();
  <?php endif; ?>

   <fieldset class='wpsc_registration_form'>
   <label><?php _e('Username'); ?>:</label><input type="text" name="log" id="log" value="" size="20"/>
   <label><?php _e('Password'); ?>:</label><input type="password" name="pwd" id="pwd" value="" size="20" />
   <label><?php _e('E-mail'); ?>:</label><input type="text" name="user_email" id="user_email" value="<?php echo attribute_escape(stripslashes($user_email)); ?>" size="20" />
 <?php endif; ?>

 <h2><?php echo TXT_WPSC_CONTACTDETAILS; ?></h2>
 <?php/* echo TXT_WPSC_CREDITCARDHANDY; <br /> */?>
 <?php echo TXT_WPSC_ASTERISK; ?>
   if(count($_SESSION['wpsc_checkout_misc_error_messages']) > 0) {
   echo "<div class='login_error'>\n\r";
   foreach((array)$_SESSION['wpsc_checkout_misc_error_messages'] as $user_error ) {
    echo $user_error."<br />\n";
   echo "</div>\n\r";
  $_SESSION['wpsc_checkout_misc_error_messages'] =array();
 <table class='wpsc_checkout_table'>
  <?php while (wpsc_have_checkout_items()) : wpsc_the_checkout_item(); ?>
   <?php if(wpsc_is_shipping_details()) : ?>
      <td colspan ='2'>
       <br />
       <input type='checkbox' value='true' name='shippingSameBilling' id='shippingSameBilling' />
       <label for='shippingSameBilling'>Shipping Address same as Billing Address?</label>

   <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if(wpsc_checkout_form_is_header() == true) : ?>
      <tr <?php echo wpsc_the_checkout_item_error_class();?>>
   <td <?php if(wpsc_is_shipping_details()) echo "class='wpsc_shipping_forms'"; ?> colspan='2'>
     <?php echo wpsc_checkout_form_name();?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <?php if((!wpsc_uses_shipping()) && $wpsc_checkout->checkout_item->unique_name == 'shippingstate'): ?>
    <?php else : ?>
      <tr <?php echo wpsc_the_checkout_item_error_class();?>>
    <label for='<?php echo wpsc_checkout_form_element_id(); ?>'>
    <?php echo wpsc_checkout_form_name();?>:
    <?php echo wpsc_checkout_form_field();?>

      <?php if(wpsc_the_checkout_item_error() != ''): ?>
      <p class='validation-error'><?php echo wpsc_the_checkout_item_error(); ?></p>

   <?php endif; ?>
   <?php endif; ?>

   <?php endif; ?>

  <?php endwhile; ?>

  <?php if (get_option('display_find_us') == '1') : ?>
   <td>How did you find us:</td>
    <select name='how_find_us'>
     <option value='Word of Mouth'>Word of mouth</option>
     <option value='Advertisement'>Advertising</option>
     <option value='Internet'>Internet</option>
     <option value='Customer'>Existing Customer</option>
  <?php endif; ?>  
   <td colspan='2'>

   <?php  //this HTML displays activated payment gateways?>

    <?php if(wpsc_gateway_count() > 1): // if we have more than one gateway enabled, offer the user a choice ?>
     <h3><?php echo TXT_WPSC_SELECTGATEWAY;?></h3>
     <?php while (wpsc_have_gateways()) : wpsc_the_gateway(); ?>
      <div class="custom_gateway">
       <?php if(wpsc_gateway_internal_name() == 'noca'){ ?>
        <label><input type="radio" id='noca_gateway' value="<?php echo wpsc_gateway_internal_name();?>" <?php echo wpsc_gateway_is_checked(); ?> name="custom_gateway" class="custom_gateway"/><?php echo wpsc_gateway_name();?></label>
       <?php }else{ ?>
        <label><input type="radio" value="<?php echo wpsc_gateway_internal_name();?>" <?php echo wpsc_gateway_is_checked(); ?> name="custom_gateway" class="custom_gateway"/><?php echo wpsc_gateway_name();?></label>
       <?php } ?>

       <?php if(wpsc_gateway_form_fields()): ?> 
        <table class='<?php echo wpsc_gateway_form_field_style();?>'>
         <?php echo wpsc_gateway_form_fields();?> 
       <?php endif; ?>   
     <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php else: // otherwise, there is no choice, stick in a hidden form ?>
     <?php while (wpsc_have_gateways()) : wpsc_the_gateway(); ?>
      <input name='custom_gateway' value='<?php echo wpsc_gateway_internal_name();?>' type='hidden' />

       <?php if(wpsc_gateway_form_fields()): ?> 
         <?php echo wpsc_gateway_form_fields();?> 
       <?php endif; ?> 
     <?php endwhile; ?>    
    <?php endif; ?>    

  <?php if(get_option('terms_and_conditions') != '') : ?>
   <td colspan='2'>
         <input type='checkbox' value='yes' name='agree' /> <?php echo TXT_WPSC_TERMS1;?><a class='thickbox' target='_blank' href='<?php
      echo get_option('siteurl')."?termsandconds=true&amp;width=360&amp;height=400'"; ?>' class='termsandconds'><?php echo TXT_WPSC_TERMS2;?></a>
  <?php endif; ?> 
   <td colspan='2'>
    <?php if(get_option('terms_and_conditions') == '') : ?>
     <input type='hidden' value='yes' name='agree' />
    <?php endif; ?> 
    <?php //exit('<pre>'.print_r($wpsc_gateway->wpsc_gateways[0]['name'], true).'</pre>');
     if(count($wpsc_gateway->wpsc_gateways) == 1 && $wpsc_gateway->wpsc_gateways[0]['name'] == 'Noca'){}else{?>
     <input type='hidden' value='submit_checkout' name='wpsc_action' />
     <input type='submit' value='<?php echo TXT_WPSC_MAKEPURCHASE;?>' name='submit' class='make_purchase' />
    <?php }/* else: ?>

    <br /><strong><?php echo TXT_WPSC_PLEASE_LOGIN;?></strong><br />
    <?php endif;  */?>    

1 Cevap

Ben WP e-ticaret aşina değilim, ama benzer bir şey yaptık. 'Abone' onay kutusunun işaretli olup olmadığını aşağıdaki işlevi ve işlevine bir çağrı ekledik. Ben sipariş teyit ve işleme değil gibi görünüyor bu kadar bu burada yayınlanan sayfanın SONRA sayfada gerçekleşmesi gerektiğini tahmin ediyorum?

Ben de onlar onay kutusunu olmasaydı kaydolma hakkında benim e-posta bir cümle bulunmaktadır. Tekrar vur, biliyor musun?

if(isset($_REQUEST['subscribe_to_newsletter']) && $_REQUEST['subscribe_to_newsletter'] == 'yes')

    echo mailchimp_subscribe($listid);


 * Mailchimp Subscribe
 * This function subscribes people to the mailing list.
 * @param string Mailchimp subscription to add users to
 * @return string Success/Fail message
function mailchimp_subscribe($listid)

    require_once "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/lib/mailchimp/MCAPI.class.php";
    require_once "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/lib/mailchimp/config.inc"; //contains username & password

    $api = new MCAPI($username, $password);
    if ($api->errorCode){
        // an error occurred while logging in
        echo "code:".$api->errorCode."\n";
        echo "msg :".$api->errorMessage."\n";
        //die(); // don't die, just do nothing

Note that if you are not passing merge_vars, you will still need to pass a "blank" array. That should be either:

$merge_vars = array('');
- or -
$merge_vars = '';

Specifically, this will fail:
$merge_vars = array();

Or pass the proper data as below...

    $merge_vars = array( 'LNAME'=> $_REQUEST['name'], 'INTERESTS'=>'');

    // By default this sends a confirmation email - you will not see new members
    // until the link contained in it is clicked!

    $retval = $api->listSubscribe( $listId, $_REQUEST['email_address'], $merge_vars );

    if ($api->errorCode){

        return "<p>Oops! We were not able to subscribe you to the e-Newsletter mailing list. Maybe you are already subscribed? Please try our <a href=\"http://www.example.com/e-newsletter-signup\">e-Newsletter Subscription page, it should work better.</p>\n<div style='color:white'>\t<span style='color:white;'>code=".$api->errorcode."\n\tmsg=".$api->errormessage."</span></div>\n";
    } else {
        return "<p>Thank you for subscribing to the e-Newsletter. A newsletter confirmation email has been sent to your email address.</p>\n";

