Ben aşağıdaki gibi benim formunda bir metin alanı doğrulama ediyorum:
$name = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('name');
$name->setLabel('First Name:')
->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StringTrim())
->addErrorMessage('Please enter a valid first name');
What I'm trying to accomplish is - how can i display a meaningful error message? Eg: If first name is 'XYZ-', how can i display '- is not allowed in first name.'
Is there a way I can access what character the regex is failing for? Would you recommend something else altogether?
I thought about writing a custom validator but the regex is pretty simple, so I don't see the point. I couldn't find a decent documentation for the zend 'regex' validator anywhere.
If I don't override the default error message, I simple get something like : ';;;hhbhbhb' does not match against pattern '/^[(a-zA-Z0-9)]+$/' - which I obviously don't want to display to the user.
Ben girişleri takdir ediyorum.