Ben bu formu var. Temelde ne istediğiniz kullanıcı "attn" Seçim listesinden de alır ne dayalı farklı bir URL ile bir otomatik yanıt göndermek için. Ben her açılan değeri için farklı bir değişken olabilir düşünüyordum. Daha sonra gönderilen otomatik yanıt içine eklemek için hangi URL seçecek posta komut dosyası için bu değişkeni geçecek. Bana bazen düşünmeye ağrıtıyor. Bunu gerçekleştirmek için en kolay yolu nedir?
Ben kendim için daha fazla iş yapma muyum? Ben programcı değilim, çünkü ben gerçekten bilmiyorum. Şimdiden teşekkürler!
İşte şeklidir:
<form name="contact_form" method="post" action="sendemail_reports.php" onsubmit="return validate_form ( );">
<div id='zohoWebToLead' align=center>
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="txt_body">
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=480 style='border-bottom-color: #999999; border-top-color: #999999; border-bottom-style: none; border-top-style: none; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-width: 2px; background-color:transparent;'>
<td width='75%'><table width=480 border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style='border-bottom-color: #999999; border-top-color: #999999; border-bottom-style: none; border-top-style: none; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-width: 2px; background-color:transparent;'>
<input type="hidden" name="ip" value="'.$ipi.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="httpref" value="'.$httprefi.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="httpagent" value="'.$httpagenti.'" />
<td colspan='2' align='left' style='border-bottom-color: #dadada; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-width: 2px; color:#000000; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:14px;'><strong>Send us an Email</strong></td>
<td nowrap style='font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold' align='right' width='25%'> First Name : </td>
<td width='75%'><input name='visitorf' type='text' size="48" maxlength='40' /></td>
<td nowrap style='font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold' align='right' width='25%'>Last Name :</td>
<td width='75%'><input name='visitorfl' type='text' size="48" maxlength='80' /></td>
<td nowrap style=
'font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold' align='right' width='25%'> Email Adress : </td>
<td width='75%'><input name='visitormail' type='text' size="48" maxlength='100' /></td>
<td nowrap style='font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold' align='right' width='25%'> Phone : </td>
<td width='75%'><input name='visitorphone' type='text' size="48" maxlength='30' /></td>
<td nowrap style='font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold' align='right' width='25%'> Subject : </td>
<td width='75%'><select name="attn" size="1">
<option value=" Investment Opportunities ">Investment Opportunities </option>
<option value=" Vacation Rentals ">Vacation Rentals </option>
<option value=" Real Estate Offerings ">Real Estate Offerings </option>
<option value=" Gatherings ">Gatherings </option>
<option value=" General ">General </option>
<td nowrap style=
'font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold' align='right' width='25%'> Message :<br />
<em>(max 5000 char)</em></td>
<td width='75%'><textarea name='notes' maxlength='5000' cols="48" rows="3"></textarea></td>
<td colspan=2 align=center style=''><input name='save' type='submit' class="boton" value=Send mail />
<input type='reset' name='reset' value=Reset class="boton" /></td>
İşte mail script:
//the 3 variables below were changed to use the SERVER variable
$httpref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$httpagent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$visitorf = $_POST['visitorf'];
$visitorl = $_POST['visitorl'];
$visitormail = $_POST['visitormail'];
$visitorphone = $_POST['visitorphone'];
$notes = $_POST['notes'];
$attn = $_POST['attn'];
//additional headers
$headers = 'From: Me <>' . "\n" ;
$headers = 'Bcc:' . "\n";
if (eregi('http:', $notes)) {
die ("Do NOT try that! ! ");
if(!$visitormail == "" && (!strstr($visitormail,"@") || !strstr($visitormail,".")))
echo "<h2>Use Back - Enter valid e-mail</h2>\n";
$badinput = "<h2>Feedback was NOT submitted</h2>\n";
echo $badinput;
die ("Go back! ! ");
if(empty($visitorf) || empty($visitormail) || empty($notes )) {
echo "<h2>Use Back - fill in all fields</h2>\n";
die ("Use back! ! ");
$todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ;
$subject = "I want to download the report about $attn";
$notes = stripcslashes($notes);
$message = "$todayis [EST] \nAttention: $attn \nMessage: $notes \nFrom: $visitorf $visitorl ($visitormail) \nTelephone Number: $visitorphone \nAdditional Info : IP = $ip \nBrowser Info: $httpagent \nReferral : $httpref\n";
//check if the function even exists
//send the email
mail($_SESSION['email'], $subject, $message, $headers) or die("could not send email");
} else {
die("mail function not enabled");
header( "Location:" );