Ben de CIDR maskeleri karşı IP sitesini test etmek gerekiyordu. Ben gayet iyi çalışıyor, mükemmel açıklama ve kaynak kodu ile bir web sitesi buldum.
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Web sitesi bir gün ortadan kalkıncaya Çünkü, burada kodu
* ip_in_range.php - Function to determine if an IP is located in a
* specific range as specified via several alternative
* formats.
* Network ranges can be specified as:
* 1. Wildcard format: 1.2.3.*
* 2. CIDR format: 1.2.3/24 OR
* 3. Start-End IP format:
* Return value BOOLEAN : ip_in_range($ip, $range);
* Copyright 2008: Paul Gregg <>
* 10 January 2008
* Version: 1.2
* Source website:
* Version 1.2
* This software is Donationware - if you feel you have benefited from
* the use of this tool then please consider a donation. The value of
* which is entirely left up to your discretion.
* Please do not remove this header, or source attibution from this file.
// decbin32
// In order to simplify working with IP addresses (in binary) and their
// netmasks, it is easier to ensure that the binary strings are padded
// with zeros out to 32 characters - IP addresses are 32 bit numbers
Function decbin32 ($dec) {
return str_pad(decbin($dec), 32, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
// ip_in_range
// This function takes 2 arguments, an IP address and a "range" in several
// different formats.
// Network ranges can be specified as:
// 1. Wildcard format: 1.2.3.*
// 2. CIDR format: 1.2.3/24 OR
// 3. Start-End IP format:
// The function will return true if the supplied IP is within the range.
// Note little validation is done on the range inputs - it expects you to
// use one of the above 3 formats.
Function ip_in_range($ip, $range) {
if (strpos($range, '/') !== false) {
// $range is in IP/NETMASK format
list($range, $netmask) = explode('/', $range, 2);
if (strpos($netmask, '.') !== false) {
// $netmask is a format
$netmask = str_replace('*', '0', $netmask);
$netmask_dec = ip2long($netmask);
return ( (ip2long($ip) & $netmask_dec) == (ip2long($range) & $netmask_dec) );
} else {
// $netmask is a CIDR size block
// fix the range argument
$x = explode('.', $range);
while(count($x)<4) $x[] = '0';
list($a,$b,$c,$d) = $x;
$range = sprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u", empty($a)?'0':$a, empty($b)?'0':$b,empty($c)?'0':$c,empty($d)?'0':$d);
$range_dec = ip2long($range);
$ip_dec = ip2long($ip);
# Strategy 1 - Create the netmask with 'netmask' 1s and then fill it to 32 with 0s
#$netmask_dec = bindec(str_pad('', $netmask, '1') . str_pad('', 32-$netmask, '0'));
# Strategy 2 - Use math to create it
$wildcard_dec = pow(2, (32-$netmask)) - 1;
$netmask_dec = ~ $wildcard_dec;
return (($ip_dec & $netmask_dec) == ($range_dec & $netmask_dec));
} else {
// range might be 255.255.*.* or
if (strpos($range, '*') !==false) { // a.b.*.* format
// Just convert to A-B format by setting * to 0 for A and 255 for B
$lower = str_replace('*', '0', $range);
$upper = str_replace('*', '255', $range);
$range = "$lower-$upper";
if (strpos($range, '-')!==false) { // A-B format
list($lower, $upper) = explode('-', $range, 2);
$lower_dec = (float)sprintf("%u",ip2long($lower));
$upper_dec = (float)sprintf("%u",ip2long($upper));
$ip_dec = (float)sprintf("%u",ip2long($ip));
return ( ($ip_dec>=$lower_dec) && ($ip_dec<=$upper_dec) );
echo 'Range argument is not in or format';
return false;
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