Bu durum:
Ben harici bir ASP sayfası şey (nickname) üretti olup olmadığını kontrol edin, bir PhP giriş sayfası var.
For example: i'm logged? So opening directly the asp page will display "nickname:thecrius" and nothing more. I'm not logged? So opening the ASP page will display nothing.
Now i've to catch the "thecrius" string with a PhP page. Using file_get_contents only return me "nickname:", the "static" part of the asp page.
Ben ne yapıyorum yanlış?
Bazı kodlar:
$aspSource = "http://www.example.com/inc/whois.asp"; //ASP external
$file = file_get_contents($aspSource); //get content of the asp page
$start = strpos($file, "username:") + 9; //cutting off the "nickname:"
$username = substr($file, $start); //get the username
echo "URL-> $aspSource<br>Content-> $file<br>Start-> $start<br>Username-> $username<br>END";
Ama sonuç sadece
URL-> http://www.example.com/inc/whois.asp
Content-> username:
Start-> 9
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