Gerçekten zeki insanların aşırı bir dizi burada var gibi görünüyor, bu yüzden ilgili birkaç soru (utanmaz dalkavukluk) sormak için iyi bir yer olduğunu düşündüm. Herhangi bir öğenin üzerine görüşleriniz bunu duyacağız.
Ben çok büyük bir web tabanlı işlemleri, stok, satış yönetimi sistemi geliştirmek üzereyim. Ben C # / MsSql / Raporlamaya İlişkin amacı vardı, ama şimdi PHP / MySQL doğru eğilerek duyuyorum.
- Multiple facility support. I would love to have it all run from a single place, but I need for each facility to be able to run autonomously from each other in case of internet connectivity loss. Servers could reside in each facility and replicate to a central one. MS Replication will hang the DB for large databases. MS recommendation to restructure the database into smaller segments…thanks. MySql seems to have very solid replicability features. Thoughts on this issue?
- Distribution: Eventually this could be marketable to other companies in the industry. Using the method above I would have to distribute the system to my server in the customer’s facility. With C# I can distribute compiled code. With PHP any intellectual property is vulnerable.
- Reporting. Will I be able to print labels and really specifically configured reports with PHP? Pdf export is a must. MsSql has the reporting service, but it has issues with PDF font embedment, the flexibility is very time consuming and I am thinking that building it all by hand might be faster. MS print control also seems problematic.
- Cost. Load would probably not ever exceed 100 simultaneous hits. Full Ms server licensing is cost prohibitive. Would sql express support this load? MySql cost structure is very appealing.
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