Flex İstemci uygulaması - initialize fonksiyonu HTTPRequest sorun

1 Cevap php

I have a serious problem in my flex client applications. I have an apache server with php web services. the flex client makes an httpservice requests. I noticed that the httpservice requests that runs from the creationComplete event of the application does not always get data from the server. but HTTPservice requests called from user actions always work.

Ben de onu sunucuya yükleyin olmadan Flex Builder 3 doğrudan esnek istemci uygulamayı çalıştırdığınızda, sorun daha az sıklıkla occours fark ettim.


mx: Application creationComplete = "Init ()" Xmlns'ye "off" verticalScrollPolicy = "off" horizontalScrollPolicy =: = mx "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout = "mutlak" backgroundColor = "# 5d8eb1"

private function Init():void { var http_request:HTTPService = new HTTPService(); http_request.url = "http://"+this.server_name+":"+this.server_port+"/services/client/client_result.php";

http_request.resultFormat = "e4x"; http_request.addEventListener("result",resultFunc);

http_request.send(); http_request.disconnect(); }

1 Cevap

I have an apache server with php web services. the flex client makes an httpservice requests.

  1. Neden buraya WebServices söz etmedi. Ben ilk cümle oluşturursak vermedi.

  2. Eğer bir şey alamadım zaman FaultEvent ne olur?.

I noticed that the httpservice requests that runs from the creationComplete event of the application does not always get data from the server. but HTTPservice requests called from user actions always work.

Can you show the code of your creationComplete? Does your function get Called after creationComplete Did you trace your function whether its called or not?