PHP yükleme komut

1 Cevap php

Bu yükleme komut dosyasını kullanarak ve bir hafta önce Tamam çalışıyordu ama bugün bunu kontrol ederken başarısız. Ben klasörde emri ayrıcalıklarını kontrol ettikten ve 777 ayarlanır böylece sorun olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Herkes sorun ne olabilir bir fikrin var mı?

Bu hata

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: 
Unable to access replays/1275389246.ruse in 
/usr/home/web/wno159003/ on line 95

benim senaryom


   $connection = @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password) or die("error connecting");
   mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection);

   $name = basename($_FILES['uploaded']['name']);
   $comment = $_POST["comment"];
   $len = strlen($comment);
   $username = $_POST["username"];
   $typekamp = $_POST["typekamp"];
   $date = time();

   $target = "replays/";
   $target .= basename($_FILES['uploaded']['name']);
   $maxsize = 20971520; // 20mb Maximum size of the uploaded file in bytes

// File extension control
// Whilelisting takes preference over blacklisting, so if there is anything in the whilelist, the blacklist _will_ be ignored
// Fill either array as you see fit - eg. Array("zip", "exe", "php")
$fileextensionwhitelist = Array("ruse"); // Whilelist (allow only)
$fileextensionblacklist = Array("zip", "exe", "php", "asp", "txt"); // Blacklist (deny)
$ok = 1;

if ($_FILES['uploaded']['error'] == 4)

   echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
   echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
   die("No file was uploaded");

if ($_FILES['uploaded']['error'] !== 0)
   echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
   echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
   die("An unexpected upload error has occured.");

// This is our size condition
if ($_FILES['uploaded']['size'] > $maxsize)
   echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
   echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
   echo "Your file is too large.<br />\n";
   $ok = 0;

// This is our limit file type condition
if ((!empty($fileextensionwhitelist) && !in_array(substr(strrchr($_FILES['uploaded']['name'], "."), 1), $fileextensionwhitelist)) || (empty($fileextensionwhitelist) && !empty($fileextensionblacklist) && in_array(substr(strrchr($_FILES['uploaded']['name'], "."), 1), $fileextensionblacklist)))
   echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
   echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
   echo "This type of file has been disallowed.<br />\n";
   $ok = 0;

// Here we check that $ok was not set to 0 by an error
if ($ok == 0)
   echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
   echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
   echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded. Refer to the errors above.";

// If everything is ok we try to upload it
   if($len > 0)
       $target = "replays/".time().'.'."ruse";
      $name = time().'.'."ruse";
      $query = "INSERT INTO RR_upload(ID, filename, username, comment, typekamp, date) VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$username','$comment', '$typekamp' ,'$date')";

      if (file_exists($target))
         $target .= "_".time().'.'."ruse";
         echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
         echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
         echo "File already exists, will be uploaded as ".$target;

      mysql_query($query, $connection) or die (mysql_error());

      echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
      echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
      echo (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target))

      ? "The file ".basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name'])." has been uploaded. \n"
      : "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file. <br>";
      echo "<br>Variable filename: ".$name;
      echo "<br>Variable name: ".$username;
      echo "<br>Variables comment: ".$comment;
      echo "<br>Variables date: ".$date;
      echo "<br>Var typekamp; ".$typekamp;
      echo "<br>Var target; ".$target;
      echo "<html><head><title>php</title></head>";
      echo '<body bgcolor="#413839" text="#ffffff">
      echo"you have to put in comment/description";


1 Cevap

"Dinletir" dizini belge kök olduğunu varsayarsak, uyarı bu satırı değiştirin eğer devam etmez:

$target = "replays/";

Bu tek:

$target = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."replays/";
