PHP ile bir rss feed oluşturmak için bir işlevi var:
function createRSS() {
$currentDate = time();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ". ADS_TABLE ." WHERE expires > $currentDate ORDER BY enterd DESC LIMIT 0,400";
$results = myExec($sql);
// open a file pointer to an RSS file
$fp = fopen ("mexautosrss.xml", "w");
if (!$fp) {
// Can't write to a file
fwrite ($fp, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>\n");
//ERROR: fwrite ($fp, "<rss version='2.0' xmlns:atom=""><channel>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<title></title>\n");
//ERROR: fwrite ($fp, "<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<link></link>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<description>Anuncios de Autos y Camionetas Usados en Mexico.</description>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<language>es-mx</language>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<docs></docs>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<image>\n");
fwrite ($fp, " <title></title>\n");
fwrite ($fp, " <url></url>\n");
fwrite ($fp, " <link></link>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "</image>\n");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$makeId = $row['make'];
$makeSQL = "SELECT name FROM ". CAR_MAKES_TABLE ." WHERE pkMakeID=$makeId";
$makeResults = myExec($makeSQL);
$make = mysql_fetch_row($makeResults);
$modelId = $row['model'];
$makeSQL = "SELECT name FROM ". CAR_MODELS_TABLE ." WHERE pkModelID=$modelId";
$makeResults = myExec($makeSQL);
$model = mysql_fetch_row($makeResults);
$stateId = $row['state'];
$makeSQL = "SELECT name FROM ". STATES_TABLE ." WHERE pkStateID=$stateId";
$makeResults = myExec($makeSQL);
$state = mysql_fetch_row($makeResults);
$title = $make[0]." ".$row['make_other']." ".$model[0]." ".$row['model_other']." '".$row['model_year'];
$content = "$".$row['price']." mil pesos ".$row['color']." Clima: ".$row['clima']." ".$row['milage']." mil kms Puertas: ".$row['doors']." ".$row['transmission']." ".$row['comment']." Tel: ".$row['tel_num']." (".$state[0].")";
$search = array(
'@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', // Strip out javascript
'@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags
'@([\r\n])[\s]+@', // Strip out white space
'@&(quot|#34);@i', // Replace HTML entities
'@&#(\d+);@e'); // evaluate as php
$replace = array(
' ',
$content = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content);
$title = preg_replace("/&/", 'y', $title);
$content = preg_replace("/&/", 'y', $content);
fwrite ($fp, "<item>\n");
fwrite ($fp, " <title>$title</title>\n");
fwrite ($fp, " <description>$content</description>\n");
fwrite ($fp, " <link></link>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "<guid></guid>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "</item>\n");
fwrite ($fp, "</channel></rss>\n");
fclose ($fp);
Çizgiler, gösterir: sorun, ben "bağlantısını atom" açıklama yoksa bir hata almak olduğunu:
Ayrıştırma hatası: sözdizimi hatası, beklenmedik T_STRING
Birisi bana onun hata işaret olabilir?