PHP Nesne dan belirli bir değer alın

0 Cevap php


$soap = new SoapClient($soap_url);

$response=$soap->getReceivedSMS( array ("ReceiveSMSRequest" => $a) );

Bu döndürür:

stdClass Object
    [ReceiveSMSResponse] => stdClass Object
            [msgID] => 20100620202512840316
            [senderMSISDN] => 1732172782
            [timeStamp] => 6/20/2010 8:25:14 PM
            [msgContent] => testing
            [sourcePort] => 7424


How do I get the different parts of the object and put them separately into strings? e.g. i want something like $msgcontent= //whatever is in [msgcontent]

0 Cevap