Nasıl / index.php Bu benim çok dilli adresler değiştirebilirim? Lang = tr Bu / tr / nasıl?

0 Cevap php

Somebody told me that is more friendly than How can I change my URL last part from ?lang=en to /en/?

(Pd: Bunu gerçekleştirmek için gettext veya zend gibi herhangi bir çerçeve kullanmak istemiyorum)

Bu benim internationalizing ve benim web sayfası yerelleştirilmesi kulüpler nasıl:

(Canlı örnek:


function dlang($Var) {
 if(empty($GLOBALS[$Var])) {

function language() {


 // Try to detect Primary language if several languages are accepted.
 foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K) {
  if(strpos($_AL, $K)===0)
   return $K;

 // Try to detect any language if not yet detected.
 foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K) {
  if(strpos($_AL, $K)!==false)
   return $K;
 foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K) {
  if(preg_match("/[\[\( ]{$K}[;,_\-\)]/",$_UA))
   return $K;

 // Return default language if language is not yet detected.
 return $GLOBALS['_DLANG'];

// Define default language.

// Define all available languages.
// WARNING: uncomment all available languages

$GLOBALS['_LANG'] = array(


//proc all page display
include('lang.php'); //language detector
class Session
 var $lang;         //Username given on sign-up
 var $url;          //The page url current being viewed
 var $referrer;     //Last recorded site page viewed

 /* Class constructor */
 function Session() {
  $this->time = time();

 function cf($filename) { //function to clean a filename string so it is a valid filename
  $fp = explode('/',$filename);
  $num = count($fp);
  return $fp[$num-1];

  * startSession - Performs all the actions necessary to
  * initialize this session object. Tries to determine if the
  * the user has logged in already, and sets the variables
  * accordingly. Also takes advantage of this page load to
  * update the active visitors tables.
 function startSession() {
  session_start();   //Tell PHP to start the session

  /* Set referrer page */
  if(isset($_SESSION['url'])) {
   $this->referrer = $search = $this->cf($_SESSION['url']);
  else {
   $this->referrer = "/";

  /* Set current url */
  $this->url = $_SESSION['url'] = $this->cf($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

  /* Set user-determined language: */
  //set up languages array:
  //set cookie
  $langs = array('en','es','zh-tw', 'zh-cn');

    $this->lang =  $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['lang'];
    setcookie("lang", $_SESSION['lang'], time() + (3600 * 24 * 30));
  else if(isSet($_COOKIE['lang'])) {
   $_SESSION['lang'] = $_COOKIE['lang'];
  else {
   $_SESSION['lang'] = 'zh-tw';
 * Initialize session object - This must be initialized before g
 * the form object because the form uses session variables,
 * which cannot be accessed unless the session has started.
$session = new Session;


    include('session.php'); //language detector

    // determine the value of $lang_file according the one in $lang
    $languages = array('en', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn');
    if (in_array($_SESSION['lang'], $languages)) {
        $lang_file = 'lang.'.$_SESSION['lang'].'.php';
    } else {
        $lang_file = 'lang.zh-tw.php';

    // translation helper function
    function l($localization) {
     global $lang;
     return $lang[$localization]; }

    // include file for final output
     include_once 'languages/'.$lang_file;

0 Cevap