Flex / Zend kanal başarısız bağlantı hatası

0 Cevap php

Projemi geliştirmek için Flex ve php kullanıyorum. Her şey benim yerel makinede harika çalışıyor. Ancak, benim sunucuya benim dosyaları upload zaman (godaddy.com). Benim esnek uygulama yüklerken ben hata var.

Pop-up hata mesajı

send failed channel.connect.failed.error Netconnection.call.Badversion: url: http://mydomail/folder/gateway.php

I have upload my ZendFramewrok folder into my server and amf_config.ini has been configured. (webroot =http://mydomain) I am not sure what's going on here. Please help. Thanks.

Update: my gateway.php

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$webroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$configfile = "$dir/amf_config.ini";

//default zend install directory
$zenddir = $webroot. '/ZendFramework/library'; //I did upload the ZendFramwork folder

//Load ini file and locate zend directory
if(file_exists($configfile)) {
  $webroot = $arr['zend']['webroot'];
  $zenddir = $webroot. '/ZendFramework/library';
  $zenddir = $arr['zend']['zend_path'];

// Setup include path
 //add zend directory to include path
// Initialize Zend Framework loader
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
// Load configuration
$default_config = new Zend_Config(array("production" => false), true);
$default_config->merge(new Zend_Config_Ini($configfile, 'zendamf'));
$amf = $default_config->amf;

// Store configuration in the registry
Zend_Registry::set("amf-config", $amf);
// Initialize AMF Server
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
if(isset($amf->directories)) {
 $dirs = $amf->directories->toArray();
 foreach($dirs as $dir) {
     // get the first character of the path. 
     // If it does not start with slash then it implies that the path is relative to webroot. Else it will be treated as absolute path
     $length = strlen($dir);
     $firstChar = $dir;
     if($length >= 1)
      $firstChar = $dir[0];

     if($firstChar != "/"){
      // if the directory is ./ path then we add the webroot only.
      if($dir == "./"){       
       $tempPath = $webroot . "/" . $dir;
// Initialize introspector for non-production
if(!$amf->production) {
 $server->setClass('Zend_Amf_Adobe_Introspector', '', array("config" => $default_config, "server" => $server));
 $server->setClass('Zend_Amf_Adobe_DbInspector', '', array("config" => $default_config, "server" => $server));
// Handle request
echo $server->handle();

gateway.php gelen hata ben doğrudan dersen.

Warning: require_once(Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/79/4687979/html/parkerList/gateway.php on line 27

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:http://blackwheels.info//ZendFramework/library') in /home/content/79/4687979/html/parkerList/gateway.php on line 27

Pekka. you are right. gateway.php is the rat. but I still can't figure out what's wrong. Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php is under the server root "ZendFramework/library" folder. I don't understand why my application can't find it. Thanks again!

0 Cevap