PHP-MySQLi bağlantı rasgele "istenen adres atanamıyor" ile başarısız

0 Cevap php

Since about 2 weeks I'm dealing with one of the weirdest problems in LAMP stack. Long story short randomly connection to MySQL server is failing with error message:

Warning:  mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Cannot assign requested address in ..

The MySQL is on different "box", hosted at Rackspace Cloud Today we downgraded it's version to

Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.42, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64).

Bu durum değişkendir göre 5327.957: DB sunucusu ikinci avg başına Sorguları ile ilgili oldukça meşgul.

MySQL is in log-warnings=9 but no warring for connection refused are logged. Both site and gearman workers scripts fail with that error at let's say 1% probability. No server load DO NOT seems to be a factor as we monitor. (CPU load, IO load or MySQL load) The maximum DB connections (max_connections) are setted to 200 but we have never dealed with more than 100 simultaneous connections to the database

Bu güvenlik duvarı yazılımı ile ve olmadan olur.

Ben TCP Ağ sorunu ziyade PHP / MySQL configurationn sorun şüpheli.

Herkes bana nasıl bulmak için ipucu verebilir misiniz?


Bağlantı kodu:

$this->_mysqli = mysqli_init(); 
$this->_mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 120); 
$this->_mysqli->real_connect($dbHost,$dbUserName, $dbPassword, $dbName); 

if (!is_null($this->_mysqli->connect_error)) {
    $ping = $this->_mysqli->ping(); 

        $error = 'HOST: {'.$dbHost.'};MESSAGE: '. $this->_mysqli->connect_error ."\n"; 

0 Cevap