php preg_match_all, regex, özü belirli bir değer

0 Cevap php

I'm trying to extract the users who ask questions on a classified ad website( . For some reasons the pattern which I'm using is not working always so I would appreciate if you will help me with a perfect regex Here is my current code

/get memberid of the question asker
   $pattern = "//m";
   preg_match_all($pattern, $htmlContent, $member_match);

   $no_a = count($member_match[1];);            

   $inc = 0;

  echo "number of askers is $no_a";

  //make loop to get all the members
     while($inc ";
//get member user match based on the member_id
      $pattern2 = "/(.*)/";
     preg_match_all($pattern2, $htmlContent, $member_user_match);
      $bid_user_q = $member_user_match[1][0];
//store the askers
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO askers (id, item_number, bid_user_q, bid_member_id_q, sub_cat)
                             VALUES('', '$item_number', '$bid_user_q', '$bid_member_id_q', '$sub_cat')");
echo "INSERT INTO askers (id, item_number, bid_user_q, bid_member_id_q)
                             VALUES('', '$item_number', '$bid_user_q', '$bid_member_id_q', '$sub_cat')
"; mysql_error(); $inc++; }

Kod buradan görebilirsiniz desen html etiketleri nedeniyle düzgün görüntülenmesi görünmüyor

0 Cevap