Benim için bu temel takvim işlevini yapabilir Zend veya jQuery kütüphaneler var mı?

0 Cevap php

Ben bir takvim uygulaması var ve bu takvim uygulamasında, bir takvim, bir "mini görünüm" var. O küçük widget sadece şu anda seçilen ayın günlerini görüntüler ve numarasını tıklatın zaman yeni bir sayfa açar ve (MySQL bilgisi, vb görüntülemek için) yeni sayfaya GET veri gönderir

Nokta: Bu küçük mini-takvim hiç fazla yapmaz, ve ben Zend Framework MVC kısmi çevirmek için çalışıyorum. Biz de jQuery var. Kolay bizim kendi kodu ile yapmak için çalışıyoruz ne yapacak herhangi bir yerleşik kod olup olmadığını merak ediyorum.

Bizim kodu (procedurally yapılır):

      This script file is the left panel calendar (small)

    //Required variables initializion starts (important in the case of create new event, to avoid PHP notices).

    $day    =    "";
    $month    =    "";
    $year    =    "";
    $sel    =    "";
    $what    =    "";
    $page    =    "index.php";
    $param    =    "";
    $index    =    "";
    $functionLast    =    "goLastMonth";
    $functionNext    =    "goNextMonth";
    $sendFunction    =    "sendToForm";

    if(isset($_GET['index'])) //if index page
        $index    =    $_GET['index'];
    if(isset($_GET['type'])) //if sype is set
      $param    =    "&amp;type=".$_GET['type'];
    if(isset($_GET['page'])) //if page is set
        $page            =    "calendar.php";
        $param            =    '&amp;page=calendar';
        $functionLast    =    "getLastMonth";
        $functionNext    =    "getNextMonth";
        $sendFunction    =    "sendToTextBox";

    if(!isset($calWidth) && !isset($calHeight)) //cal width /height check
        $calWidth    =    CALENDAR_WIDTH;
        $calHeight    =    CALENDAR_HEIGHT;

    if(isset($_GET["day"])) //if day is set
        $day = $_GET["day"]; //get it

    if(isset($_GET["month"])) //if month is set
        $month = $_GET["month"]; //..

    if(isset($_GET["year"])) //..
        $year = $_GET["year"]; //

        $sel = $_GET["sel"];

        $what = $_GET["what"];

        $date    =    $_GET['date'];
        list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",$date); //split date into pieces

    if($day == "") $day = date("j");  //if day is blank, get today

    if($month == "") $month = date("m");  //if month is blank, get this month

    if($year == "") $year = date("Y"); //if year is blank, get this year
    //echo $day."-".$month."-".$year;die;
    //echo '<br>';
    if(!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { //if not a valida date
      if(isset($_GET["month"]))  { //try to get number of days for this month as this seems the last day of the month. for example if today is 31 of August and you are calling ?month=9&year=2009 it gives you wrong results
        $day = date("t", strtotime($year . "-" . $month . "-01")); //so give you 30.

    $printabledate  = $year."-".$month."-".$day;

    $currentTimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$day");
    $monthName = date("F", $currentTimeStamp);
    $numDays = date("t", $currentTimeStamp);
    $counter = 0;

<br />
<div id="loading1" class="a_loading1">
    <iframe src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/loading-msg.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"  class="markup a_position"></iframe>

<table  class="mini-cal-table">
    <tr class="tprowbgcolor">
        <td class="arrow" colspan='1' align="center"><input type='button' class='buttonleft' onclick='<?php echo "$functionLast($month,$year,\"$page\",\"$index\")"; ?>' onmousedown="this.className='maincalbutton_active_left'" onmouseout="this.className='buttonleft'" /></td>
        <td class="title" colspan='5'><span class='title'><?php echo $monthName . " " . $year; ?></span></td>
        <td class="arrow" colspan='1' align="center"><input type='button' class='buttonright' onclick='<?php echo "$functionNext($month,$year,\"$page\",\"$index\")"; ?>' onmousedown="this.className='maincalbutton_active_right'" onmouseout="this.className='buttonright'" /></td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>Su</td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>Mo</td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>Tu</td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>We</td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>Th</td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>Fr</td>
        <td class='wd-titles'>Sa</td>
    for($i = 1; $i < $numDays+1; $i++, $counter++)
        $timeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$i");
        if($i == 1)
        // Workout when the first day of the month is
        $firstDay = date("w", $timeStamp);

        for($j = 0; $j < $firstDay; $j++, $counter++)
        echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";

        if($counter % 7 == 0) {
          echo "</tr><tr>";

        if(date("w", $timeStamp) == 0) {
          //$class = "class='weekend'";
          $tdclass = "weekend";
        } else {
          if($i == date("d") && $month == date("m") && $year == date("Y")) {
            //$class = "class='today'";
            $tdclass = "today";
          else {
            //$class = "class='normal'";
            $tdclass = "normal";
        $zero = "";
        if($i < 10 )
            $zero = "0";
        $month = round($month);
        if($month < 10)
            $month = "0".$month;
        $date  = $year."-".$month."-".$zero.$i;

<td class="<?php echo $tdclass?>"><?php
    if(!isset($_GET['page']))    {
    ?><a href='<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/agenda.php?date=<?php echo $year; ?>-<?php echo $month; ?>-<?php echo $zero.$i; ?>'><?php echo $i?></a>

<?php }    else    {

<a onclick='<?php echo "$sendFunction($i,\"$date\",$numDays,\"$index\",\"$type\")"; ?>'><?php echo $i?></a>



<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function goLastMonth(month,year,page,index) {
    // If the month is January, decrement the year.
      if(month == 1) {
        month = 13;

      var url =

      document.location.href = page+"?month="+(month-1)+"&year="+year+"<?php echo $param?>";

    function goNextMonth(month,year,page,index)
        // If the month is December, increment the year.
        if(month == 12)
            month = 0;
        document.location.href = page+"?month="+(month+1)+"&year="+year+"<?php echo $param?>";

0 Cevap