on the project I am writing with Symfony, there will be fieldsets in forms very often, so I would like to create a mechanism so that I can group fields by fieldsets and still use the __toString() method of my forms. On this page, I read about the sfWidgetFormSchema, and how it could be considered as a widget, which enables to nest fields. So here is what I did: I created nested fields:
'customer' => new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
'customer_name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
'customer_email' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(array())
'library' => new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
'library_name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
'library_address' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
'library_city' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
'library_postcode' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(),
'library_website' => new sfWidgetFormInputText()
'message' => new sfWidgetFormTextarea(array(),array( "cols" => 50, "rows" => 10 )),
Sonra temelde etiketleri alanları saran bir fieldsetFormSchemaFormatter sınıf oluşturulur ve sfWidgetFormSchema alanları ile ilişkili:
foreach (array('customer', 'library') as $fieldset)
new tableLessFormSchemaFormatter($this->widgetSchema['customer']));
new FieldsetFormSchemaFormatter($this->widgetSchema,
And it just worked fine, I got my fieldset form. The problem I have is with validation, which is not at all described on the page I linked sooner in this question. The error messages appear on top of the form for all fields but the "message" field, which has an error message right after it. I don't think I'm gonna be able to get the error messages to display right after the rows and still use the echo $form construct without coding something ugly, so I think I'm gonna go with another implementation. I think that sfWidgetFormSchema widgets are meant to build interdependant fields, which would have global validation rules.
Nasıl bu fieldset işlevi uygulamak istiyorsunuz?