Bir çocuk sınıf ile PHP-share sınıf değişkeni

0 Cevap php

Bu dünkü kapsamı soruya bir izlem olduğunu.

Today I want to share the "$template_instance" variable with a child class. How is this accomplished?


class index extends Application
    private $template_instance;

    // Dependency injection
    public function __construct(Smarty $template_instance)
        $this->template_instance = $template_instance;

    function ShowPage()
        // now let us try to move this to another class 
        // $this->template_instance->assign('name', 'Ned'); 
        // $this->template_instance->display('index.tpl'); 


$template_instance = new Smarty();
$index_instance = new Index($template_instance);

$printpage_instance = new printpage();


class printpage
 public function __construct()


 public function printSomething()

        // now let us try to move this to another class 
         $this->template_instance->assign('name', 'Ned'); 


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