i am using jquery date and time picker in one my project where users can create an event. in the jquery datepicker, i have the option to select the today's date and future date and not the past date which is good for an event creattion website. but i am stuck with the time picker. for example, if i am in the event creation page(assume now time is 9.30am) and select date as 2010-08-05, then i click on the time field but the time field shows time that is already past i.e. time before 9.30, i cannot allow user to choose time that is before the current time. how can i valdiate this? or is there any way not to show the past time? I am using php, if i decide to validate using php, how i am supposed to validate, which time I should use as base to check the user selected time? users can come from any country so how i am supposed to know which is past time for an user.
I http://labs.perifer.se/timedatepicker/, ben ilk seçeneği kullanabilirsiniz ve ben i dayanarak ikinci alan çalışmaları biz süresini ve iyi bir şey biliyor gibi kullanıcıların iyi iki alan girmek için izin son seçeneği kullanabilirsiniz kullanabilirsiniz / p ilk alanında ama yine de bu benim geçmiş zaman sorunu çözmüyor.
ben açık değilim varsa bana bildirin lütfen.