Registry desen ve kayıtlı nesnelerin tembel örnekleme

0 Cevap php

Kullanıcının biz Registry desen hayal edelim ...


class Registry

private static $objects     = array();
private static $instance    = null;

public static function getInstance() {
    if (self::$instance == null) {
        self::$instance = new Registry();
    return self::$instance;

protected function _get($key) {
    return ($this->objects[$key]) ? $this->objects[$key] : null;

protected function _set($key, $val) {
    $this->objects[$key] = $val;

public static function get($key) {
    return self::getInstance()->_get($key);

public static function set($key, $object) {
    return self::getInstance()->_set($key, $object);


Bu gerçekleşme gerçekten kolay kullanma ...

Registry::set('db', $db_client);
Registry::set('redis', $redis_client);

//Using registered objects is really easy

But as you can see, we're adding instances into registry even if we don't need them (yes, it's all about performance). So, the question is... How to modify Registry pattern to be able to do lazy instantiation?

İşte aradığım budur ...

class Registry

private static $objects     = array();
private static $instance    = null;

public static function getInstance() {
    if (self::$instance == null) {
        self::$instance = new Registry();
    return self::$instance;

protected function _db() {
    if (!$this->objects['db']) {
        $this->objects['db'] = new DatabaseAdapter(DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
    return $this->objects['db'];

protected function _redis() {
    if (!$this->objects['redis']) {
        $this->objects['redis'] = new Redis(REDIS_HOST, REDIS_DB, REDIS_USER, REDIS_PASSWORD);
    return $this->objects['redis'];

public static function db() {
    return self::getInstance()->_db();

public static function redis() {
    return self::getInstance()->_redis();


As you can see, DatabaseAdapter() or Redis() will be created only in we'll request them. Everything seems to be ok, but as you can see it's not a standalone class because _db(), _redis() methods contains connection constants etc. How to avoid it? How can I define registry method within registry class to separate Registy class and objects inside it?

Ben İngilizce hakkında gerçekten üzgünüm, ama ben sizin için açıktır umuyoruz.

Teşekkür ederim.

PS: All code above was written 1 min. ago and wasn't tested.

0 Cevap