Ben gelen yazı eklendiğinde bazı kelimelerin yerini nasıl

0 Cevap php

Ben küçük bir eklenti tasarlamak istiyor ..

örneğin, kullanıcı bir yazı yazmak: o eseridir:

<< WordPress >> widgets are the dynamic objects which eases the customization of the content on << sidebars >> and widgetized << footers >>. << Widgets >> allows drag-n-drop interface in the Dashboard << admin panel >>, for easy << management >>.

directly the plugins search about the words which between <<..>> then search in the db for wordpress if there a title like this word. if it exist replace it by the url of page .. if it not exist create a new page with some 'text .. ect' then replace the word by the url of page.

for example : when I wrote these: << wordpress >> widgets are the dynamic << objects >> . the plugins search about 'wordpress' in the title pages if it existe set the url: wordpress. then the plugins search about ' objects' in the title pages if it not exist the first step: create a page: object then fill it some text the final step . replace the word << objects >> , by the url of the post of object ,

I want to know how to do it. Give me example I will try to develompe it .

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