Sayfa yeniden yüklendikten sonra formda seçilen değeri tutarak Sorunu

0 Cevap php

I'm trying to populate a second dropdown in a dynamic way based on a previs selected dropdown. However, I've managed to write get the page to reload when I choose anything in the dropdownbox but the chosen value isnt passed after reloading. I have register_globals turned off (and prefer to) and i'm using the GET function to submit the form. However when I try setting values in the URL I cant get it to work. Example: dropdown.php?area=1 still gives me a value in the dropdownbox with the default value. What am I doing wrong? Running on a LAMP server. Apache 2.2, php 5.3. Note: I found the php code here on the web wwich is suppose to help me pass the GET variable and select the option in the selectbox.

Bu benim kodudur:

        <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
        function reload(form)
        var val=form.area.options[form.area.options.selectedIndex].value;
        self.location='dropdown.php?area=' + val ;
<? @$area=$HTTP_GET_VARS['area']; ?>
        <form action="" method="get">
                <select name="area" id="area" onchange="reload(this.form)">

Bu POST (veya eşdeğer fonksiyonu) ile yapılabilir Ayrıca, eğer daha iyi olurdu.


0 Cevap