Ben her gün sadece yaklaşık 100 kişiyi alan bir site var ama bir kullanıcı olarak oturum açtığınızda bu hata mesajını aldım:
Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (42000/1203): User mexautos_Juan already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/mexautos/public_html/kiubbo/data/model.php on line 26
Warning: mysqli::query() [mysqli.query]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/mexautos/public_html/kiubbo/data/model.php on line 87
Query failed
Ben sayfa zaman bir çift yenilemek ve şimdi onun ok, ama ben hata sanıyorum birçok kullanıcı kendi kodumu, nerede bunun için bakmak gerektiğini dont beri?
Düzenleme: Bu modeli dosyasıdır:
Model is the base class from which the other
model classes will be derived. It offers basic
functionality to access databases
class Model {
private $created;
private $modified;
static function getConnection()
Connect to the database and return a
connection or null on failure
$db = new mysqli (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
if(!$db) {
echo mysql_error();
throw new Exception('Could not connect to database', EX_NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION);
return $db;
static function execSQL($query)
Execute a SQL query on the database
passing the tablename and the sql query.
Returns the resultset
$db = null;
$results = null;
//echo "query is $query";
$db = Model::getConnection();
$results = $db->query($query);
if(!$results) {
throw new Exception('Query failed', EX_QUERY_FAILED );
catch(Exception $e)
/* errors are handled higher in the
object hierarchy
throw $e;
return $results;
static function execSQl2($query)
Execute a SQL query on the database
passing the tablename and the sql query.
Returns the LAST_INSERT_ID
$db = null;
$lastid = null;
//echo "query is $query";
$db = Model::getConnection();
$results = $db->query($query);
if(!$results) {
throw new Exception('Query failed', EX_QUERY_FAILED );
$lastid = $db->insert_id;
catch(Exception $e)
/* errors are handled higher in the
object hierarchy
throw $e;
return $lastid;
function delete($table, $id, $conditions = '')
$query = "delete from $table where id = $id";
$db = Model::getConnection();
$results = Model::execSQL($query);
throw new Exception('Could not delete this object', EX_DELETE_ERROR);
return $results->num_rows;
catch(Exception $e)
throw $e;
static function closeConnection($db)
function getCreated()
return $this->created;
function setCreated($value)
$this->created = $value;
function getModified()
return $this->modified;
function setModified($value)
$this->modified = $value;