Fgets 'sonucundan sonra otomatik boşluk?

0 Cevap php

it seems as if fgets puts a space after everything it returns. Here's some example code:

Echo "Opening " . $_SERVER{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . "/file.txt" . "...<br>";
$FileHandle = @Fopen($_SERVER{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . "/file.txt", "r");
If ($FileHandle){
    Echo "File opened:<br><br>";
    While (!Feof($FileHandle)){
        $Line = Fgets($FileHandle);
        Echo $Line . "word<br>"; //Should be LINECONTENTSword, no space.

hangi döndürür

Opening /var/www/vhosts/cqe.me/httpdocs/file.txt...
File opened:

First line word
Second line word
3rd line word
Another line of text word

Why is there a space between the line's content and "word"? And why is this space not there at the end of the file (Blablablaword)?

Could you please tell me how to get rid of this space? Thanks a lot :-)!

0 Cevap