Ben sitemde kullanıcıların kayıt için aşağıdaki kodu kullanabilirsiniz. Sorunun bir kullanıcı kaydeder zaman apache yanıt ve çöker olmamasıdır.
Ben yanlış yapıyorum benim kod falan bir kırılma var mı??
include ('../includes/db_connect.php');
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = md5($_POST['password']);
// lets check to see if the username already exists
$checkuser = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$username_exist = mysql_num_rows($checkuser);
if($username_exist > 0){
echo "I'm sorry but the username you specified has already been taken. Please pick another one.";
//include 'register.html';
// lf no errors present with the username
// use a query to insert the data into the database.
$query = "INSERT INTO users (firstname, email, username, password)
VALUES('$firstname', '$email', '$username', '$password')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "You have successfully Registered";
// mail user their information
//$yoursite = ‘’;
//$webmaster = ‘yourname’;
//$youremail = ‘youremail’;
//$subject = "You have successfully registered at $yoursite...";
//$message = "Dear $firstname, you are now registered at our web site.
// To login, simply go to our web page and enter in the following details in the login form:
// Username: $username
// Password: $password
// Please print this information out and store it for future reference.
// Thanks,
// $webmaster";
//mail($email, $subject, $message, "From: $yoursite <$youremail>\nX-Mailer:PHP/" . phpversion());
//echo "Your information has been mailed to your email address.";