Bir Ajax isteği neden emin, tamamlamak için 6 saniye değil alıyor

0 Cevap php

Bilgi kullanıcı oturum açmış geçerli ile ilgili içeren bunun üzerine bazı div kutuları sıralar, ben bir kullanıcı arayüzü üzerinde çalışıyorum, "pano". Onların takvim, yapılacaklar listesi ve bazı istatistikleri dinamik bir google elektronik tablo çekti.

I found here: that specific cells can be requested from the sheet with a url like this:

Ben kısaca Zend GData içine baktı, ama ben yapmaya çalışıyor ne bu şekilde daha karmaşık görünüyordu.

So instead I wrote two php functions: (in hours.php)
1.) does a file_get_contents() of the generated url, based on the parameters row, column, and sheet
2.) uses the first in a loop to find which column number is associated with the given name.

Yani temelde bu gibi görünüyor jQuery kullanarak bir ajax isteği yapın:

/ / Js fonksiyonunu başlar

function ajaxStats(fullname)
        url: "lib/dashboard.stats.php?name="+fullname,
        cache: false,
        success: function(html){
            document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML = html;

/ / End js fonksiyonu

/ / Dosya hours.php başlar

function getCol($name)
    while(getCell($r,$c,1) != $name)
    {    $c++;    }
    return $c;

function getCell($r, $c, $sheet)
    $baseurl = "";
    $spreadsheet = "0AnhvV5acDaAvdDRvVmk1bi02WmJBeUtBak5xMmFTNEE/";
    $sheetID = $sheet . "/";
    $vis = "public/";
    $proj = "basic/";
    $cell = "R".$r."C".$c;

    $url = $baseurl . $spreadsheet . $sheetID . $vis . $proj . $cell . "";
    $xml = file_get_contents($url);

    //Sometimes the data is not xml formatted,
    //so lets try to remove the url
    $urlLen = strlen($url);
    $xmlWOurl = substr($xml, $urlLen);

    //then find the Z (in the datestamp, assuming its always there)
    $posZ = strrpos($xmlWOurl, "Z");
    //then substr from z2end
    $data = substr($xmlWOurl, $posZ + 1);

    //if the result has more than ten characters then something went wrong
    //And most likely it is xml formatted
    if(strlen($data) > 10) 
        //Asuming we have xml 
        $datapos = strrpos($xml,"<content type='text'>");
        $datapos += 21;
        $datawj = substr($xml, $datapos);
        $endcont = strpos($datawj,"</content>");
        return substr($datawj, 0,$endcont);
        return $data;

/ / End hours.php

/ / Dashboard.stats.php başlayın

// This file is requested using ajax from the main dashboard because it takes so long to load,
// as to not slow down the usage of the rest of the page.

if (!empty($_GET['name']))
    include "hours.php";
    // GetCollumn of which C#R1 = users name
    $col = getCol($_GET['name']);
    // then get cell from each of the sheets for that user,
    // assuming they are in the same column of each sheet
    $s1 = getcell(3, $col, 1);
    $s2 = getcell(3, $col, 2);
    $s3 = getcell(3, $col, 3);
    $s4 = getcell(3, $col, 4);
    // Store my loot in the session varibles,
    // so next time I want this, I don't need to fetch it
    $_SESSION['fhrs'] = $s1;
    $_SESSION['fdol'] = $s2;
    $_SESSION['chrs'] = $s3;
    $_SESSION['bhrs'] = $s4;
<!-- and finally output the information formated for the widget-->
<strong>You have:</strong><br/>
<ul style="padding-left: 10px;">
    <li>        <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['fhrs']; ?></strong> fundraising hours<br/></li>
    <li>earned $<strong><?php echo $_SESSION['fdol']; ?></strong> fundraising<br/></li>
    <li>        <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['chrs']; ?></strong> community service hours<br/></li>
    <li>        <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['bhrs']; ?></strong> build hours <br/></li>

/ / End dashboard.stats.php

I think that where I am loosing my 4 secs is the while loop in getCol() [hours.php]
How can I improve this, and reduce my loading time?

Should I just scrap this, and go to Zend GData?
If it is that while loop, should i try to store each users column number from the spreadsheet in the user database that also authenticates login?

0 Cevap