PHP PDO hatası getir.

0 Cevap php

i ave been having trouble with a simple select sql query. using php PDO.

for some reason the rowcount returns 1 but fetch and fetchall both return false; to me that means the execute failed or the query returned no results which would have a rowcount of 0. my sql syntax as far as i can tell is fine.

Burada sql sorgu

SELECT * FROM CustomerAddress WHERE ".CustomerAddress::custAddressID." = :".CustomerAddress::custAddressID." LIMIT 1

Burada kodudur.

        if($this->selectCustomerAddressStatement->execute(array(CustomerAddress::custAddressID => $addressID)))
            if($this->selectCustomerAddressStatement->rowCount() == 1)
                if($temp = $this->selectCustomerAddressStatement->fetch())
                    $customerAddress = new CustomerAddress($temp);
                    if($customerAddress->getCustAddressID() == $addressID)
                        return $customerAddress;
                        throw new Exception("The Customer Address Retrieved was not what was Asked.");
                    throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve Result set.");
                throw new Exception("Statement Returned To Many Results.");
            throw new Exception("Failed to Execute Statement.");
    }catch(Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception("Customers:: selectCustomerAddress - ".$e->getMessage());

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