Bir php ile yardımcı if ifadesi

0 Cevap php

can somebody help me with this if statement? My form appears every-time I load the page but it disappears after I submit the form! Maybe it's the "endif" syntax that confuses me but I can't get this done properly... here is the code:

if ($this->input->post('submit') && $this->input->post('categories')):
  foreach($tagedImages as $image):
    <div class="thumb">
      <?php  echo'<a href="/toKoritsi/uploads/'.$image.'"/> <img src="/toKoritsi/uploads/thumbs/'.$image.'"/></a>' ?>
elseif(isset($photosQuery) && count($photosQuery)):
  foreach($photosQuery->result_array() as $photo):
    <div class="thumb">
      <?php echo'<a href="/toKoritsi/uploads/'.$photo['name'].'"/> <img src="/toKoritsi/uploads/thumbs/'.$photo['name'].'"/></a>' ?>

$options = array(
  'bracelet'  => 'Bracelets',
  'ring'      => 'Rings',
  'bag'       => 'Bags',
  'earing'    => 'Earings'

echo form_open("toKoritsi/gallery");
echo form_dropdown('categories', $options, 'bracelet');
echo form_submit('submit', 'Choose');
echo form_close();

şimdiden teşekkürler!

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