Ruby on normal bir iskele uzatmak eklentileri bir grup var:
PHP topluluğu benzer bir şey var mı? phpmyadmin büyük, ama verinin sunumu herhangi bir şekilde kontrol etmek zorunda değildir. Sen her zaman sunu formatında tüm verileri almak. Bu Raylar çerçeveler biraz daha kullanıcı dostu.
Edit: My original question was not very clear. I'm not looking to compare PHP and Rails. I'm also not looking for an all purpose general framework. I'm looking for something just like the four pieces of software I listed above, but written in PHP. The admin software I listed above generates a crud interface for you based on your configuration. The configuration includes which tables you'd like to show, what operations you can do to the table, and who can see the information. The software does the rest, from writing the SQL to processing the request to generating the interface.