PHP: Ekran satırları tüm sendika sınırı ile aynı değer

0 Cevap php
    // Connect database

    // Get all records in all columns from table and put it in $result.

    (select * from stok_lukisan where `Ukuran` LIKE '20x25' AND `Kategori` LIKE '1' ORDER BY `Kode` ASC limit 3)
    union all
    (select * from stok_lukisan where `Ukuran` LIKE '30x40' AND `Kategori` LIKE '1' ORDER BY `Kode` ASC limit 4)
    union all
    (select * from stok_lukisan where `Ukuran` LIKE '20x50' AND `Kategori` LIKE '1' ORDER BY `Kode` ASC limit 5)

    /*Split records in $result by table rows and put them in $row.
    Make it looping by while statement. */

    echo '<table><tr>';
      echo "<td align='center'>$row[Kode]<br><a href='$GAMBAR_URL/$row[Gambar]' rel='lightbox' title='Kode Lukisan: $row[Kode]'><img src='$GAMBAR_URL/$row[Gambar]'><br>

      Rp.$row[Harga]<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"simpleCart.add('name=$row[Kode]', 'price=$row[Harga]','size=tiny','quantity=1','thumb=$GAMBAR_URL/$row[Gambar]');\"><br><img src='./images/buy.gif'><p></a>";

    $rows = 1;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
      echo "<td align='center'>$row[Kode]<br><a href='$GAMBAR_URL/$row[Gambar]' rel='lightbox' title='Kode Lukisan: $row[Kode]'><img src='$GAMBAR_URL/$row[Gambar]'></a><br>

     Rp.$row[Harga]<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"simpleCart.add('name=$row[Kode]', 'price=$row[Harga]','size=tiny','quantity=1','thumb=$GAMBAR_URL/$row[Gambar]');\"><br><img src='./images/buy.gif'><p></a>";

      if ($rows %4 == 0) {
       echo '</tr><tr></tr>


tüm sendika ayarlanmış olan bir limiti çerçevesinde php döngüler her satır ile sayfada görüntülemek nasıl.

php sayfada bu gibi sonuç:

1001 - 1002 - 1003 (<---- 3 record on rows)
2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 (<---- 4 record on rows)
3001 - 3002 - 3003 - 3004 - 3005 (<---- 5 record on rows)

teşekkürler ....

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